Friday, April 3, 2015
Good Friday
Reflecting on "Good Friday" is always a day and time of year when we read and meditate on Jesus dying on the cross.
His crucifixion.
His journey to the cross.
His brutal beatings.
Spending the morning together here at home with the family was nice. We were all relaxed and reading and talking about Jesus on the cross always brings inspiration, teaching moments and questions. We read about how the soldiers put a crown of thorns on Jesus' head. How they beat him so badly. Why he died on the cross. Explaining all this to the children again was put into simple words.
But for myself, the whole story of Jesus dying on the cross is precious. I love reading the Bible and replaying it in real life! Because it is real. It seems crazy that just last Sunday, Jesus would have rode through the streets of Jerusalem with people crowded all around him and praising him! Shouting out hosanna. Praising him. Now just a few days later they are mad. Angry. Shouting "crucify him!"
I wonder what the disciples thought when suddenly in the garden, where they spent a lot of time with Jesus, soldiers showed up with swords and spears. Judas kissed Jesus, betraying him, and giving the motion that this is who they came for. How strange to have Jesus heal a man that just had his ear cut off and then willingly go with those who would kill him. Jesus went to the cross willingly.
Jesus followed them and was taken from place to place to be put on trial. They accused him for saying that he was the son of God. Even the leaders didn't want to sentence him to death but when they saw that the crowd was getting out of hand, they consented to the angry crowds wishes. "Crucify Him!!!"
The soldiers took Jesus and beat him. Beyond recognition. Barely keeping him alive yet alive enough to carry a cross up the hill of Calvary. Jesus was whipped. Spit upon. Laughed at and mocked. He never once tried to escape. He knew that his main reason for coming to earth was to die for ALL THE SINS OF THE WORLD. Jesus was nailed to his cross. Two thieves were also crucified and hung on crosses but they deserved their death. They had done something wrong. Here Jesus, the perfect man on earth, was dying right between them.
Those who loved Jesus watched from afar off. The angry mob had taken over. They had zero pity. Jesus would die and they were going to make sure of that! But it wasn't long after Jesus took his last breath when strange things started to happen. Darkness was over the whole land. The veil in the temple split right in half. Top to bottom. The earth did quake. The rocks rent. Graves were opened. Bodies of the saints that were dead, arose. When those around the cross saw all what was happening, they feared greatly! The said, "Truly this was the Son of God." What now???
Later that night, Joseph, a rich man from Arimathea, went to Pilate and begged for the body of Jesus. He took the dead body and wrapped it in clean linen cloth. He laid him in his own new tomb and rolled a great stone at the door.
The next day the chief priests and Pharisees went to Pilate and said, "Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, 'After three days I will rise again.'" They asked that someone would guard the tomb until the third day. Just in case the disciples would come at night and steal the body and then tell the people that he rose from the dead. Pilate agreed and told them to set out a watch over the tomb.
On the third day, some women came to grave and their was a great earthquake. An angel descended from heaven and rolled back the stone from the door. And then sat on it. The angel was like lightening and his clothes were white as snow. Those that were there guarding the tomb, suddenly froze from their fear! What was happening? But the angel told the ladies that came to the grave to not fear! The Jesus that they were looking for is now alive. He arose from the grave! The angel told them to go and look where he was laid. And then they were to go quickly and tell the disciples what had happened. The women were filled with joy and went to tell the disciples all that they witnessed!!!
Jesus did die on the cross for ALL sinners. For me. So that I may live eternally in heaven with him!
"Thank you Lord for dying for me!"