Tuesday, December 15, 2020

December activities.


I have written a Christmas letter for many years.  It just gives a run down of our family and where are in life.  I asked Ashlyn and Austin to help fold the letters while I stuffed envelopes.

Some years, I just print out mailing labels and send them off with love and good cheer.  Some years I like to write out each card by hand.  Ashlyn was all about helping with some art work! 

We had a fun event at church where we made Christmas wreaths.  This was my first time doing this and we had our first snow flakes fall outside while we were having fun!

Watching the children in the school program this year was different than other years but so sweet and short and still very good!  Each elementary class sang a song. The crowd was smaller.  We are so blessed to have a program this crazy year of 2020!

Austin stood on stage with his hands in his pockets.  So adorable!

After the program, we had promised the kids that we would go to Bass Pro Shop and let them each use up the gift cards Mike had.  Hadassah and Jeremiah decided to stay back home because his dog has ten puppies that they need to feed by bottle.  It takes up so much time!!!

On our way home, we swung by Messics to watch their light show.  Cool!

The next night, basketball season began!!!  Matthew's been working hard at each practice.  Some practices have been at 6 AM, and he's all about it!!!  Because of sport restrictions, only two people per player can watch the game.  Mike and I were there to cheer through our masks while the littles were with Lena at a Fireside event.

The Warriors were ready and won their first game against Dayspring.

New coaches.  New strategies were practiced.  More muscles.  Good job boys!!!

Then it was the weekend!!!!  Well, almost!  Governor Wolf put out more COVID restrictions and the local restaurants are hurting from it.  I feel so bad for them!  I decided to make a stop at a greenhouse in Strasburg and then swing by and give my friend Ruthie a hug.  Her family has been working night and day to get a new restaurant open locally and they are now open and busy and now this.  Back to take outs.  We need reminders to trust God in everything and know that there is good, good plan in all of this!

And because the new restrictions, Ashlyn and I decided to go have breakfast at Agape Saturday morning!  We had to order take out but there were some indoor seating available!  We've been wanting to go here together and decided to make it a win win and support these locals that are working hard to earn a dollar!!!!

The younger children were excited to be able to open up their first book that is under the tree!  I went thrifting for books and we have twelve to open, one per day, until Christmas morning.  This gives the children fresh books to inspire them to keep reading.  Many are Christmas themed!  This is a very inexpensive way to give to your children if you look at thrift stores.  They don't care if the books are new or slightly used.

We had a beautiful December weekend with the weather being on the mild side.  

Happy December!!!!