Friday, July 23, 2021

Birthday's ... 44, 6, 16.

 After wedding planning and getting through all those events, I went right into birthday celebrations!

Mike turned the big 44!!!!  This is his number!  Baseball number, hockey number and any sport that involved numbers, this is his!  I wished to make it a super good day for him so went smothered him with kisses and birthday wishes!  He wore his old ball shirt for church.  He bought us pizza once again and we celebrated him all day long!

I love Mike with all my heart!  I'm forever grateful that he is a huge part of my life and loves Jesus!!!!


Then we celebrated this Little Man!!!!  Austin turned six and couldn't wait for his birthday!

He is all about Nerf guns right now.  He picked out another gun at Target and we've been busy picking up bullets ever since.

Thanks to Amazon I was able to quickly order Nerf party supplies and we invited some of Austins school friends over for a party!

He wanted all his guns hung up.

The kids get to pick a restaurant of choice for their birthday meal!  He picked Red Robin mostly because Ashlyn told him they have games to play.  ðŸ¤¨

Adrian and Austin are such good friends and Austin asked if he could spend the night.  They had a blast!

Cousins gave Austin an Amazon gift card for his birthday and he was so over the moon excited to order himself a Ninja Kid shirt.  Thanks Fannie Lynn!


Next up was the big 16th birthday for Matthew!!!!!  It was so good to invite Hadassah and Jeremiah over for pretzel wraps and celebrate Matthew!!!!  I love this full table!

Matthew had no idea that his classmates and basketball team were invited to come over and so when Kordell and other friends walked into the living where Matthew was relaxing, he was surprised!  The cool, calm sixteen year old smiled and got up to join those who arrived!

We had a campfire hot dog roast for his friends!

We also took some time to pray over Matthew and bless him, his friends and his future!

Corn hole games were being played as the campfire glowed!  It was a good night to celebrate Matthew!

I took him for his permit and he said, "It was the easiest test I took."  OK then!!! ;;)))). He passed with only one wrong and he got right on that app to keep track of his driving hours.

He's confident and a good driver!!!!  Let the learning hours behind the wheel begin!

Birthdays are such a wonderful way to celebrate the ones you love!!!!  Happy Birthday Mike, Austin and Matthew!!!!  We love you so very much!!!!!