Monday, January 3, 2022

After Christmas vibes and the New Year!

It's after Christmas now and the tree just had to go!!!!  I loved it so much when it was still fresh and smelling good but it dried out so fast this year.  It always had plenty of water but next year we need to find another spot!  It just dried out too fast.  


The rest of the house needs to be rid of the fresh greens too.  That will wait until after the New Year.  Matthew and his basketball team had practice and then some of them came back here to shower.  I asked the boys to move the piano into the living room!  I love it when there are big helpers around!!!!  :)

The upstairs is being worked on.  We are finishing up part of the upstairs and making it livable space.

On Wednesday, I did laundry and made a few stops before loading up a few suitcases and the littles and I headed for the cabin.  Mike was at work moving their office into a another building.  Lapps is doing a remodel the next few months on the building!  Matthew had basketball practice again and then went snow boarding.  He has so much fun with his friends!

As we drove to the cabin, Ashlyn, Austin and I listened to the three hour testimony of how the hostages escaped Haiti.  It's a story of how God kept them safe and delivered them from the kidnappers.  What a story of how God still moves and does miracles today!!!!!  I know HE does but what an encouragement to hear how he protected them as they escaped during the night and made it safely back to the mission base!!!!  If you want to be encouraged in your faith ... look up their story!!!!  God delivered them!!!!

Mike joined us at the cabin on Thursday night and we stayed until Sunday!  We love the cabin that my parents built.  We hoped more family would join us but John's were sick and others had other plans.  Matthew wanted to stay home and go to his class New Year's Eve party.  He had a blast.

Somehow, even with it just being us and my parents at the cabin, we caught the flu!!!!  Achy bones and coughing.  We rubbed on Skinners ointment and prayed for healing!  We were still able to put three puzzles together, play some games and eat good food!  The Littles were bored and wished cousins would arrive!  :)

We cheered in the New Year!!!  Dad and Austin didn't make the count down because they both fell asleep but the rest of us did!!!!  Happy New Year everyone!!!!  2021 is now a memory and 2022 is here!

Puzzle one and homemade ice cream.

Elmers came out and played a game with us.  Puzzle two.

Here's the New Years Eve clan.  :))). And puzzle three!

Mike and Austin helped Dad fill up the woodbox!  They also went on a 3 1/2 mile walk on the new property.  Austin did good keeping up!

Through the aches and coughing, I really enjoyed Mom's pork and sourkraut!!!!  It was delicious!
Puzzle three completed!

And here's what happens on the way home.  The kids were acting silly!

I slept most of the way home and I am still fighting a cough and some ashiness but I'm on the mend!  

We came home to very dirty floors.  On Saturday, the fire engines were called to our home.  The automatic fire alarm went off and because we have bad phone service at the cabin and couldn't be contacted right away, they sent out the engines to make sure everything is fine.  Matthew was home at the time and tried to call us because of the alarms.  There was no fire, thankfully, and the firemen helped Matthew get the alarms shut off.  Jody went to the house right away to make sure things were fine!  Everything is fine, just fine.

Here are some of my favorite photo's of 2021!!!!!!

I can't wait to see what 2022 will bring us!  We pray that it will be days filled with healthy bodies, much laughter and many more fun memories!!!

Happy New Year!!!!