Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Last Field Trip for this school term.

Camp at Old Mill is such a pretty place to do some service work and then play in the afternoon!  Grades 3-5 go here at the end of the year and there were lots of kids!  They made a really long line and carried bucket after bucket of creek water and then dumped it into the fish fountain/waterfall that needed more water!  Some picked up big rocks off of the bank.  Some others stacked rocks along the bank of the creek! It was fun for the kids to do these jobs!


It was time for a hot dog lunch and then everyone went to the creek to splash, fish, ride canoes or play basketball!

It was a big group and lots of willing helpers!

I really wanted to stay dry and we did!!!!  The ride was fun!

This camp reaches and minsters to city kids and cops!  It was so neat to hear a bit of their mission and then help clean up the camp!

We are nearing the end of the school year and we are excited for summer vacation!