Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Potting flowers!

 Well, the other day when we had sisters day, I bought me lots of pretty flowers and now they go into pots!

I found these two cactus plants and LOVE THEM!!!!  I usually go with the red angel wing bagonia flowers and this year I paired them with the banana leaf palms for the front porch!

Colies are always added to my pots!  I love them in the summer and fall time!

I've been waiting for three years now to get myself some of these plants!  My friend Ruthie adds these to her pots every summer and I love it!  Groffs is the only place I found them and so I finially went there to buy some!  I got the same kind of plant in two different colors!  I can't wait to watch them grow!

And here's my garden update.

Tomatoes are planted.  This year I did an Early Girl, Roma and Sweet Pea tomato.

We have the zucchini and egg plant planted beside the celery and cabbage.

Broccoli and kohlrabi are beside lettuce plants and peppers and Florence fennel seeds.

The sugar peas are through the ground and the wire is up to help them lean and grow!  Carrots and beets are through the dirt here too!

Sugar baby watermelon.

The strawberry plants are blooming.

Lots of lettuce is growing with the radishes and kale.  The herb box is filling out!

I absolutely love this space!