June is already half over but we made some fresh new memories! We are in a drought and May is now known to be the driest month since 1888. That's pretty dry! We are praying for rain and the day that the Riehl's have their reunion, it rains!!! No one complained because we all knew it's much needed and gift from God above! There were a few ballgames still happening between the rain showers and some of the children swam in the small pond. We ate good food with good fellowship and this is the biggest group of people that I know that work well together, invites EVERYONE to their gatherings and are great hosts!
June is a month where we start getting some harvest from the garden! I just love watching the kids and cousins gather in the garden! Bryce and Zayla picked our first zucchini! Hunter and Ashlyn love those fresh peas!
I've been faithfully watering the garden with the sprinkler but the rain sent from above, is the best kind!!!!
It's making everything pop!!!! Thank you, Jesus!!!!
We planted raspberry bushes last year and we are picking fresh berries this summer!
Summer is full of fun gatherings, friends, late nights and sleep in mornings!
We love summer time!