We usually try to get in a weekend vacation with my family during the summer and it all happened this past weekend in Clearfield. We went to Dad's small cabin in Clearfield and a big pole barn. There are bedrooms and bathrooms in the pole barn and so most of us slept out there. We also have a kitchen out there and do all the cooking and eating in there. It works great!!!
The kids were looking so forwards to spending time at the mountains again and time with their cousins! Hadassah bought a tee shirt for Morgan that says, "You are the mac to my cheese." Jody made Hadassah and Morgan both a nightie skirt! These two girls have a lot of fun together dressing up, painting fingernails, combing their hair the same style, etc.!
Megan ate sooo much fruit up there! Her and her apple ...
... GIRLS ...
Our pretty girl ... Hadassah in the hammock.
The boys had a blast too! Riding the golf cart, seeing the bear, playing kick ball with LaVern, hanging out with their dads, etc. was so much fun! Matthew loved the Lego's that Mommy bought for the boys to put together! He also loved going 'spotting' and seeing the bucks, does, and fawns!
Matthew is eating snacks and Ryan is playing baseball.
Matthew was hanging out with Ashlyn on the floor and she was trying to get his snack!
Ashlyn did good. Sleeping in another bed (pack-n-play) is something she needs to get better with, but she was happy during the day and content! I started giving her some baby cereal up there. The first time she was too hungry to try something new! She was crying and wanted her bottle now! Not in the mood! The second time went better, but still not real impressed. I'm sure it will take a few more attempts and she will be eating it great!
Ashlyn enjoying the time with daddy on the hammock!!! Adorable!
Playing on the floor ...
She fell asleep on the hammock while hanging out with John Mike.
(I think it's because she was tired and not because John Mike was boring! Ha.)

Mike (well, actually everyone) loved the hammock hanging by the porch! He relaxed in there and read his book! Then when it was time for the campfire to start burning, he was the one that kept poking it and stirring the ashes around! (This seems to be something he just can't help doing when there's a campfire! Guessing his mama didn't teach him to NOT play with fire!) He went for a 5 mile run on Saturday morning. He also mowed dad's big field with the tractor. He said he started out thinking that "being a farmer would be a blast!!! Sit on the tractor and enjoy the sunshine and the ride!" Then after about 2 hours of mowing, he thought "OK this is just fun now and not a real blast". Then 2 hours later, he was sick of it. (He did not have to mow! His choice!) After one more hour of mowing, he came back to the cabin sneezing and sneezing. Too much grass and start of his early fall allergies??? He then thought farming "would not be his choice of occupation"!!! Mike did have a great time at the cabin too! Thanks Hun for hanging out with us and being such a great daddy to our kids!
I spent most of my time at the cabin enjoying watching the children play, helping with the meals, caring for Ashlyn and trying to not get stung! The bee's were terrible up there and people kept getting stung! Mom got stung in the neck and it really burned! Megan got stung twice ... in the finger and right beside her eye! Melanie got stung in the finger too!
Poor Megan ... she got stung right beside her eye.
Nothing a band aid can't make better, right??? Her eye is starting to swell.
Dad loves to feed the wild bear up there! All the food scraps, bacon grease, peanuts, old cakes and bakery items he can find, he feeds to the bear! (He collects these foods throughout the year and puts it in the freezer till he goes to the cabin.) His efforts paid off on Saturday night when a bear came for the goodies! It was a fairly big bear and we enjoyed watching it eat and eat and eat. Later that night, the boys saw a mother bear with cubs come for some food!
Now, it's back to 'real life'. My garage is full of dirty laundry and I have peaches to can and the yard to mow and the kids to take to the dentist for some fillings!
Have a great day and we have only a few short days to enjoy at home together before the kids are back in school! Be blessed today!