Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

“Joy to the World, the Lord is come!”


Another Christmas Season is upon us!  The fresh greens are cut and placed throughout our house.  The lights and candles are lit.  Our nativity scene is at the same, usual spot … sitting by the picture window in the living room.  The cookies are baked and presents are still being wrapped. 

The Christmas music is playing – a lot!!!  Oh, truly this is the most wonderful time of the year!!! 


The Lord’s been good and we would like to share the happenings in our lives.


* Mike *  When I think of what to write about Mike, I immediately think of how great a father he is to our three beautiful children.  He plays with them, listens when they talk, prays for their concerns & troubles but most of all really just loves to be with them.  There’s a huge comfort for a child to know that they are loved through and through by their daddy!  He is their number one hero!   Mike also is a passionate and loving husband.  He treats me like a queen (come on … we all like that!)  He shows & tells me he loves me every day and we will be celebrating our 12th anniversary soon!  He still enjoys going out for a run and reallllly loves it when I run along side of him.  His devotion to Christ is real!  Spiritual growth is a lifetime journey.  Being a Sunday school teacher for our youth class at church is something he enjoys so much!  He still works for Lapp’s Structures and makes a terrific boss

to all his awesome employees!  His knowledge in the stock market continues to grow and he still loves swinging a golf club or a baseball bat!  He thinks the best snack ever is … a handful of potato chips and a cold glass of coke!  J


* Lori *  Being the mother of our three children keeps me stepping … fast.  I love each one so dearly and seeing them grow and become little adults so fast is amazing.  I am a stay at home mom (umm, I won’t go in detail with that definition.)  I am grateful that most of my time can be centered around our family.  We love it when friends stop in for coffee & cookies or maybe even play a game of settlers!!!  My hobbies are still cooking, blogging and taking candid photos of our life happenings! (You can follow us online at: Between making meals and doing laundry, some of my hobbies become wishful thinking.  Growing deeper in love with Jesus is a passion of mine.  My devotions and Bible Study times are precious. 

I want to always be grateful for Jesus and His gift of salvation!!!


* Hadassah *  Our first born baby is not so much a baby anymore!  Not at all!  She is ten years old and in the fifth grade.  She loves her teacher and school!  What a blessing!  She is our social butterfly and so hearing her say, “Well, what are we doing tonight?”, is a normal question for her.  She is very proud of her dog, Ginger!  Ginger had her first litter (well, actually only one puppy) a few weeks ago.  Hadassah is so happy!  She is still taking piano lessons, mostly because her mom insists!  J  Eating puppy chow and junior mints are her favorite sweets but when she’s ‘had enough’, she reaches for cucumbers!  Growing up is fun for her!  She loves life and is turning into a young lady. 

She not only is a daughter but is becoming a very good friend!!! 


* Matthew *  The boy in our family.  He’s the one strapping on rollerblades and then hitting baseballs.  He’s the one climbing trees and burning the trash.  He loves to fish!!!  He’s also the one that teases his little sister the most but still loves her like crazy!  Matthew is seven and in second grade.  He does well in school but recess is still his favorite!  J  He loves to help his dad with chores and takes on challenges.  He can’t wait for some snow to fall so he can get out is plastic snowboard and go for a ride.  Christmas is a wonderful celebration and so for Matthew, he loves to see all the lights and eat the cookies!    


* Ashlyn * The youngest and most spoiled by far!  We all adore her and is it no wonder with her darling blue eyes and light blond hair?  Her petite figure makes her a cutie and we love lovin’ on her!  She will soon be two years old already.  She’s talking.  She still loves her blankie.  She adores daddy the most and always wants his full attention.  I love to see her dance.  When a song comes on and we turn it up, she always starts bobbing her head and begins to dance!  Asking to give our house dog, Ginger, a treat is something she does a lot.  She is in awe at Ginger’s one little puppy.  (“Zoey” will be ready for a good home after the holidays!)  Ashlyn’s giggle is contagious!  If ever you could kiss and hug and spoil but then be in need to discipline … she’s the package.  She steals ‘the show’ (and our hearts) in our home and we love it that way!


Throughout this holiday season, we want to wish you God’s richest blessings!  

Join our family with the best reason to celebrate:  The birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ!!!   


Merry Christmas!!!

* Michael, Lori, Hadassah, Matthew & Ashlyn Lapp *