Monday, December 24, 2012

The Night Before Christmas - 2012 Christmas Eve

It's almost here ... Christmas Day that is!

Christmas Eve is the next closes "to look forward" during the holiday season. Christmas Eve as a child for me was always spent with family and friends. We would sit around in a big circle and exchange gifts. Eat lots of delicious food! Enjoy Mommy D's chip dip. Sing carols. Reflect on the birth of Jesus.  Every one was dressed in reds or greens or golds!  Eat some more!

We are now creating these same types of memories for our children. The kids have been asking EVERYDAY when they can open their gifts?!!! Finally, Mike said, "Christmas Eve Day!!!" Oh, boy! This day just couldn't come fast enough for them. Even yet, yesterday, on the way home from church they were begging to at least be able to open their stocking presents. Nope, Mike wasn't going to give in. He said then part of the fun would be gone. They waited patiently! (Well, as patient as children can wait!) :)

I was determined this morning to not get all wrapped up in the rush and hurry of the season. I have my house to clean up from the party here last night. Mike was itching to play some Acquire, so we had friends over! It was fun but now to the clean up it will be! (Thanks for showing up Dave's and Jonathon's!!!) 

I woke up this morning and went right to reading the Christmas story. The message at church yesterday spoke about the shepherds being the lowest class of people, yet God chose them to be the first to witness the baby Jesus!!! I read over that again this morning and still marvel at all the details and creativeness of our God! Bringing His Son into the world as a baby and being born in a stable and declaring the birth news through the skies and angels and having them worship baby Jesus!!! So cool!

I sat and pondered on the thoughts for some time and then the children started to wake up. My morning work must begin. The washer is going and the dryer is on it's third load of laundry already. The smell of warm waffles linger in the kitchen. Ginger bathed and smelling much better because she thought the fresh hauled manure field looked fun to run into to. Sigh. Christmas music is playing. Coffee drank!

Mike went to work this morning and will be back home around 1:00. The kids are keeping a close watch of the time and will be more than ready to finally tear into their gifts! (The fun and joy of kids and gifts is a blessing to see! :) )

I still have lots to do before then, so I must keep moving along. Rice Krispie Candy to make. A salad to prepare. Laundry to fold and put back into the proper places. Carpets to sweep.

Being ready for the Christmas Story and gifts will be here quickly for me!

Have a Very Merry Christmas and I hope your day will be full of laughter, food, friends, family and peace and joy!