Thursday, March 26, 2015

Soccer Mom!

I am now a "soccer mom".  :)

Hadassah is all into sports at school and does well.  She does so well that she made the starting teams for all the sports she played this year so far.  It is now soccer season and they played their first game on Tuesday.  Although they didn't win, the girls always do best with a few games played.  They barely had time to practice outside with the weather conditions and going into a game vs. Hinkletown was a bit soon for their skills to be sharp.  :)

Hadassah is running a lot too!  They run a 5K usually twice a week at school plus soccer practice plus the games!  She loves every bit of it and her muscles are being sore from all the extra stretching.

It was such a chilly afternoon.  Ashlyn, Matthew and I bundled up in warm clothes.  I even had made hot tea for us to sip on while we watch.  Well, Ashlyn ended up falling asleep on the way to the game and there was a nice play for me to park right along the side lines and watch from the Yukon.  No need for extra layers after all.

Hadassah is a forward and you needed to keep moving to stay warm!

Picking up extra girls at school and then going to these events is fun and takes extra time but I am liking the season we are in.  I love to see the kids compete and play well!!!

Go soccer team!!!