Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Today it's Spaghetti Soup!

With canning soup on my mind, I decided to start with another batch first thing this morning.  I didn't have to pack school lunches today, thanks to hot lunch, so I started chopping carrots and onions pretty early!  :)  I cooked the spaghetti noodles and hamburger.  After the kids were off for school, I mixed all the other ingredients and started filling jars!  I only made a half batch but it still gave me plenty of jars!

This is a fairly easy soup with not so many ingredients.  The longest part is waiting for it can for three hours.  I put the 15 quart jars in my water and when it started to boil, I set the timer in my mind.  After lunch, I got all the jars out of the boiling water and again hearing those lids seal on each jar was rewarding!  My spaghetti soup jars now sit right beside the cheeseburger soup jars.  They will all get carried down to the cellar within the next few days! 

After the soup was off, Ashlyn and I went over to school to hear Hadassah play her piano piece for ACSI.  She did well and got a blue ribbon!!!  She deserves the ribbon because she's been practicing so much on this piece.  We drove home from school slowly because it started to sleet.  Another wintry mix is in action.

It looks like it will be another cozy night here at home!  It might be more games of Candy Land, ping pong or Guess Who!?!  :)