Saturday, August 15, 2020

Garden. Daudy Kings sale.


Mike's grandparents both passed away last years just a few months apart.  Family had a sale to sell their belongs and I found some treasures!  Daudy and Mommy King were very special to us over the years but the last months of their life, we made it much more a priority to visit them!  They are greatly missed and seeing all their earthly possessions being sold is just another reminder that the things we treasure here on earth are really just temporary!  Only souls can go to heaven!!!!

Mommy King's mother used this white kettle to make coffee for church.  I washed it out really good and then placed a vase of fresh flowers in it!  I do hope to use this for hot cider this fall!!!!  That would be so cool right???

Mike loves chips and so when he helped at the auction and was holding these, I had to capture the moment.

I bought the table for $10 and the kettle for more.  I love both!

It was so cute to watch Ashlyn help her little buddy Bryce at the snack stand.

We came home from Arizona to find foods growing in the garden.

We came home from Arizona to garden goodies!!!

And to the kittens that are now growing into cats and we need to find a forever home for them!  Please let me know if you are interested!

I had a big package of school papers waiting for me to fill out and send back to school.  I'm not ready to think about school things but I am excited that the kids can plan on attending school in their classrooms with all their school friends in a few weeks!

The kids were asking to go buy school supples, so we crossed that off of our list!

I can't believe that my baby will be staring kindergarten this fall!!!!

My parents had the family over for a supper and we said goodbyes to Ryan (my nephew) because he plans to spend the next 15 months at Hillcrest in Arkansas.

And while we were eating supper, dad starts handing out flower bouquets to each of us ladies!  He thanked us for what we do for our family!  How sweet and I have the best dad!!!!

And here you have us ... me, my only sister Jody, my mom and my grandma!

Canning is a gift I learned from my mom.  I used to can a bunch of different foods but I have found to now can a lot of we really love and call it a job well done!  Last year, I found my canning shelves having still a lot of goodies on them so I took a break and didn't can a whole lot.  With that said, this year finds me needing to restock my canning shelves.  I did some pickles the other week and now I crossed off peaches on my list.  Red Haven have been a family favorite but my peaches have a tendency to turn brown over the months.  I hope these will stay fresh and yummy until we eat them all gone!  (I turn the jars upside down to help with the seal but still ended up having a few not sealing!)

Peaches are on the high price this summer because of the hail we had back in May.  I bought these for $16 a basket but they are seconds.  That means some have bumps and some are ripe and others are still hard.  I do want to make a mental note to get firsts next time.  They are just nicer and if I'm already going to all this work, I want the best peach options!

Tomatoes and basil are plentiful in the garden, so when I made pizza, I topped the dough with some of these goodies!

Summer time is just the best and we love these warmer months!  The produce is at its peak and I love that!!!!