Ashlyn was able to go to girls camp this year with our church and she loved every bit of it!!!!! We missed her terribly and Austin was so bored without his best friend at home but we made it and couldn't wait to pick her up again on Friday and hear all her camp stories.
I left the garden unattended mostly last week because I knew that when Ashlyn gets home, she's going to go straight to the garden and see what she can find. Look what she picked!!!!
When we signed Ashlyn up for girls camp, she asked if she could invite Ava! Of course, it was open to whoever wanted to go!!!! Ava was able to go to and they had a blast being in the same camp group, Flamingo Logon, and with it both being their first time away from home for a full week, they had each other!
There was a western themed night and Clarita sent me this photo and it warmed my heart to see Ashlyn have so much fun at camp! Also, Juanita made over twenty Stromboli's at camp on Wednesday night and she asked if I would go along and help! Absolutely! It was good to walk around camp and see the girls cabin and serve them dinner!
Ashlyn was delighted to find out that Daisy and Courtney were their camp counselors! She knew both of these ladies and they made it super fun for the girls!!!! Thank you ladies!
Austin missed Ashlyn SO MUCH! He did go out to Adrians house one afternoon and Adrian came here for a few hours on another day to help pass the time! It was so good to see these two reunite and play and draw together! That's wonderful to see siblings be best friends!

I was ready to spend some time with her and we got our nails painted on Saturday!

Because we had cucumbers from the garden, we mixed up a batch of Sweet Dill Pickles! Ashlyn was right there to help me and this is why I missed her so much while she was at camp!!!! I love this girl!!!!
And she missed Zayla like crazy! It's too cute! Zayla is much younger than Ashlyn but they are each others best friend cousins!!!! Zayla came over on Saturday night while the Lapp Siblings went out for their birthdays and Austin went to the Buck with cousins. They had a tea party and just loved being together!
Red Beets are now ready to harvest from the garden too.
Mike sharpened my mower blades and every time this happens, we mention Daudy D.s name! He loved to sharpen mower blades for people! Anyway, when I went to mow, something was not right. Mike came home to fix the belt and then did this in the grass for me! Can you see it? He mowed a heart in the yard!!! I'm the lucky one to have this man as my husband!
More garden goodies are being harvested!
Matthew is in a summer league with basketball and we finally went to watch one of his games! Also, the summer life beside the pool, is not a bad life at all!!!!!
I bought a 2000 piece puzzle the other week and started it at the cabin. I divided out the pieces in colors and stacked them in plates. There's a lot of pieces and I just wasn't sure how else to organize the pieces. It worked good to bring it home in pieces from the cabin and now it's on the dining room table! There's much to do yet but I love it!!!!! These hot days of summer are now around the dining room table putting puzzle together!
Homemade Coleslaw from the garden cabbage!
When Mike fills the bird feeders, the seeds go flying! We had lots of sunflowers grow up from the feeders and I don't mind that a bit! Sunflowers are one of my favorites!!!!! They are so pretty and spell summer/fall so well to my seasonal love language!
July is slipping by quickly and we are starting to receive some school emails about "back to school" events, school lists, etc. but I'm choosing to not think much of this just yet. The summer days of late nights and sleep in mornings are great for now! I do know that I will be ready to be back on a better schedule after school begins but for now we live life as it comes. If we decide to go to Jer's ballgame and it gets late, we are fine with it and love it!
Enjoy this month! July is hot! Stay cool!