Friday, July 1, 2022

Happy Birthday Austin!

 Austin is seven years old today!  He woke up to the smell of a warm coffee cake baking in the oven!  This is his favorite of all favorites cake and since we are heading to the cabin later today, I decided to bake him his birthday cake for breakfast!

We gifted Austin a Tatis JR baseball shirt.  He loves this ball player and any chance he can watch some baseball on my phone, he's into it!  We also gave him a wiffle ball bat and ball!  

He's growing up.  He's got one year of baseball wrapped up and the Flames finished in second place.  Ashlyn is his best playmate most days!  Getting together with Hunter, Adrian and Bryce is always a good time for him!  I am trying to do more reading with the kids this summer and we finished up the book of Summer of the Monkeys and then rented the movie from the library!  Austin loved this!

He thinks a birthday should be filled with gifts and he kept asking where all his gifts are today!  We gave him some gifts and my family is going to the cabin over the weekend.  Some said they were bringing gifts along for him there but it's hard for a boy to wait!!!  He's going to have such a good weekend!

We are so blessed to have Austin in our family!  He's energetic!  He's cute!  We love him so much!

Happy birthday, Austin!