Friday, July 22, 2022

Dog days of summer!

 It is hot outside!!!!  All week the tempts have been in the 90's and the grass is not lush green anymore because of the heat.  I hope we get some rain soon to cool off the ground!

We are blessed to have a cool house on these really hot summer days!!!!  Air conditioning is a blessing!  

This summer has been a time of late nights and sleep in mornings!  We love it that way!  We are spending time at the pool, in the garden picking cucumbers and tomatoes and waiting for the green beans to grow!  

I'm not ready for school to start yet but I do look forward to being back on "normal schedules" and the kids are starting to show that they need more than lazy days!  This week Ashlyn and Austin have been so nit picking at each other.  You know, a little kick here and I tap there just to make the other one say something or tattle.  After the cleaning got completed at the house here yesterday, I told them we would go for a drive and look for some sunflower fields that I heard about!  We drove off and boy were we glad we did!!!!!  Look what we found!

I read on Instagram that Sunnyside Pasteries has lots of sunflowers behind and around them so we drove to their bakery!  We pulled in their driveway and I could not stop saying, "Oh my word!!!!!!"  All the sunflowers we saw was stunning!  I've never seen so many in one spot!  Fields of them!!!!  All in bloom!!!!  Just gorgeous!!!!

We went into the bake shop for a donut and then drove down the road to take a better look!!!!  I was not driving on golden streets but this took my breath away and I thought of heaven!!!!!  How pretty it is!!!!!

We pulled to the side of the road and took some photo's.  There's no way I can explain how pretty it is because there's more sunflowers than I can photo here!  Take a look!!!!

Bees were buzzing everywhere!

I think we counted six corn field rows of sunflowers!!!!!  Incredible!

They think they always need to do a crazy face photo!

We drove back home with the kids picking on each other.  I thought maybe reading another chapter of Where the Red Fern Grows would help the craziness and picking on each other.  We are getting through this book and should be completing it some time this weekend!  By the time supper rolled around I felt like all I was saying was "Kids stop it!"  "Calm down."  "Just leave each other alone."  I was telling this to Mike as were eating supper and he said, "Why don't you go for drive.  Just you.  Go get a spritzer at Agape or something!"  I did just that!  I went for a drive and got a raspberry mint spritzer and made a stop at Target.  Wow, I wasn't in that store for awhile and things were everywhere.  Shopping at stores like this I try to avoid when the Littles are with me.  They beg and I say no.  I don't enjoy shopping in that kind of fashion.  We have family photos coming up and thought I would take a quick look at the boys clothes for Austin.  Keeping it simple and I was back home to hear Mike took them out to Rolled Creamery and ate ice cream.  It must be summer time!

Before I headed out the door for my drive, I told the kids to go pick the tomatoes in the garden.  I just knew that they would be doing something crazy and I snuck up to them in the garden.  Look.

Ashlyn was picking the tomatoes and then rolling them down to Austin.  Austin was putting them in the bowl.  They were giggling and loving the garden but then Austin sat on Ashlyn and they started squealing.   I just shock my head and grinned.  It's good to see them enjoy life together but sometimes I wish it was with less drama.  I keep reminding myself that they are growing up and some day I am going to miss this stage of life!!!!

July is a warm one and so stay cool, hydrated and remember to laugh!