Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Mommy D. turns 88!!!

 Mommy D. is my grandma, my friend and she living in a retirement home fighting the terrible disease called dementia.  She fell last Labor Day and broke her hip and needed surgery, then therapy and has been in this facility ever since.  She's doing OK and has her good/bad days.  On a good day, you will be able to converse with her, laugh together and try to make sense of her random off sentences that she says during your conversations.  On an off day, she will be sleeping, tired, not talk a lot and just has a stare in her eyes.  Both ways are not easy because it's not completely who she is.  She is well taken care of where she now lives.  

She had a birthday last week and I told her I would bring a banana split for her.  Of course, she probably wouldn't remember that I said that, but I wanted to do with her!  I packed up a small container of ice cream, some whipped cream and chocolate syrup and of course bananas and we celebrated together!  She was happy to see me and enjoyed her treat!

She was happy and didn't always remember it was her birthday day but I loved that I got to do this with her!

Mother's Day was another quick visit with her and I'm just thrilled if she's awake and talkative when I stop in!

Mommy D. is special to me and she lives on at now 88 years old!  

Happy Birthday, Mommy D.!!!!!