Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Peony Farms!

 I have a wishlist to go visit some flower fields this summer and this peony farm at Styers Peony Farm was one on my list!  I ordered tickets for my mom and sisters and when it came down to actually going, some backed out because of the business of May.  I totally understand but boy did they miss out!!!!  Those of us that went had a blessed time roaming the fields of peony's.  We would stop and smell some, measure some with our hands because they were so large and just awed at the beauty!!!!  It really was so pretty!!!!!

Here's the crew!  We loved it!!!!!

Fields of flowers!!!!!

My mom!!!!!

And if you are at near Terrain, you must stop for lunch, right???  We had a wonderful lunch before heading home and even visited the cutest roadside stand where we grabbed some fresh veggies and juice!

Lena wanted to plan something special for us to do to celebrate my birthday and she mentioned this place after I already had tickets to go to Styers.  We chose another peony garden and truly it was just as lovely!!!!


When we pulled into the driveway of this farm, our mouths dropped open!!!!!  Peak season was on this day and it was GORGEOUS!!!!  Heavenly!  Just outstanding!

This was a smaller farm but the blooms were at peak giving it a beautiful, full view of gorgeous peony's!!!!!

These are the ladies in my life that I do life side by side.  They mean the world to me and I love them so much!!!  Thank you Lena for planning this outing with my girls and choosing such a beautiful place to visit!!!!!  Loved it!!!!


Then we ate pretty, delicious food and then did some shopping!!!!  The entire afternoon and evening was lovely and so much fun!

I know not everyone can visit flower gardens.  I realize not everyone has family to celebrate birthdays with.  I know not everyone is as blessed as I am to go on special events like this .... that's exactly why I am so grateful for the women and people in my life that speak life, care about me and have friendships that last!  I'm incredibly blessed!