Saturday, June 8, 2024

Memorial Day Weekend!

 This years Memorial Day Weekend looked a lot different than what we have done in the past twenty years!  Normally, we get together with some of our best friend families at a cabin or beach house but we decided to not gather this year.  The kids are growing up and some are now in sports events over the weekend and it was just decided to not reserve a big place and get together.  We missed our friends but still had a really good time at my parents cabin!

The cabin is a place of rest, many ATV rides, hunting, campfires and s'mores, games and good food!  Brother bought a bunch of water balloons for the boys to fill and throw around!

Brother also made delicious brisket on the smoker!  Watermelon is always a Memorial Day food and we love it with fresh mint, cucumbers and lime juice!  It's delicious!

We went to the cabin for years.  My parents took us as kids and we used to have a cabin with no running water and an outhouse for a bathroom.  Going this river to "wash up" is something we did as kids.  Now, our older kids have kaiaks and fish and float down the river.  There's a big world of woods around us and it was a beautiful day on the water!

I love that Pennsylvania has dirt roads that wind around nature and mountains and we get to ride on them at the cabin!  Zoe's family also has a cabin nearby and her and Ashlyn got to spend some time together!

My dad is doing well in his health!  His chest and muscles and tendons are getting stronger after his open heart surgery four months ago.  He asked Mike to help him cut down this tree and he did a good job!  We left the cabin after that and dad stayed and shot a turkey!  Cabin life is the best!

And we never want to forget why we celebrate this weekend!  Thank you to all who have given so much for our freedom!

Happy Memorial Day!!!!