Thursday, June 27, 2024

Summer is here!

It is summer and we are feeling the heat!!!!  The tempts are in the 90's and the grass is drying up.  We need rain and hope it comes soon!  The garden is being watered daily by the sprinkler.  The fireflies are out at night.  The AC is on!  Watermelon and berries and garden goodies are picked from the garden!  We spent time at the pools already!  We stay up late and sleep in!  Summer is here and we are loving it!

It's warm outside and that calls for a drive into town and grabbing some Rolled Cold Creamery Ice cream!!!! 

We got home one afternoon to flowers setting in our garage.  It said "just because".  We didn't know who sent them to us but soon figured it must be from my parents if it came from "Florals in Time".  How sweet!  Found out later that all siblings were sent a bouquet!

The lavender in the garden is blooming and smelling wonderful!

Our summer evenings are gorgeous!  The garden is lite up slightly with string lights on the play house.

The gazebo is lite slightly by the lights on the pines. We put a roof over the back patio last winter and we are thoroughly enjoying this new space!  We spend so much time out here and have watched many, many Phillies games on the back porch!  I love it!