Thursday, June 27, 2024

Phillies VS Padres.

 Austin likes the Padres and Mike got some tickets for him, Austin, Matt and Adrian to go watch a game in celebration for Austin's upcoming birthday!  Instead of four tickets ordered, there was a mistake and five were ordered.  Austin invited Ashlyn along but she didn't want to go just being the only girl, so we added one more ticket and I went along!  We tried to keep it a "boys trip" and I drove for them and dropped them off at the Rockie Steps first.  

Then we headed for Cittizens First Park for the game!  It was so hot!  We had the best time!!!!

Ashlyn and I ended up moving seats three different times because her and I's seats weren't next to each other because of the ticket mix up.  We both had tickets but not next to each other.  We grabbed two empty seats together but ended moving three times.  We finally got settled and we had a blast cheering our hearts out for the Phillies!  We love this team and it's been so fun watching a lot more of their games on TV and now in person  this summer!

The Phillies won and we didn't get home till after midnight!!!!  What a very fun outing!