Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Father's Day!

 We smothered Mike with gifts, words of thanks and just extra love on Father's Day!  He's such a good dad and we enjoyed having lunch at Hudson Botanical, relaxing on the back porch and then celebrating my dad later that evening.

We miss Dad Lapp on days like this too!  He passed away from cancer 7 years ago.  He was too young and we miss him a lot!  I will always honor is views and beliefs.  He was so much fun to play Settlers with!  He loved Mom Lapp and traveling!  I miss him and wish the grand babies would know what him today.

My dad is very special to me and is doing well!  He made it through open heart surgery and had a new Aorta Valve!  He works hard to keep the cabin in tip top shape for our whole family to enjoy every single holiday!  I love my dad and all the things he taught me growing up!

Thank you FATHERS!!!!

Happy Father's Day!