Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Strawberry jelly.

June has us buying quarts of fresh, red strawberries and all going down to mom's to make jelly!  We love mom's jelly and with the family helping out, we had it all accomplished in a few hours!  I treated Ashlyn and Austin to Chicken Minis before heading to moms for the day!

We visited Mommy D. and she was happy to see us again!

The Riehl reunion happened once again and it's always great to see extended family!  I love my aunts and cousins and we had one big party!!!!  Austin and Colson joined the ballgame.  What a fun night!

And this is what I love to see ... children in the garden helping themselves to fresh peas!!!!  Bryce and Ashlyn were enjoying their snack!

Austin's team, the Flames, got first place in the tournament this season!  Good job boys!!!!

The hydrangeas popped and they sure are a beauty!

Ashlyn was invited to a pool with Zoey, so we invited Lena and her clan to join us at LCC!  Swimming with cousins is a blast for Austin and it was a warm day to enjoy the water!!!!

Summer is here and we are feeling it!