Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Mother's Day/Birthday.

 I had a birthday and it happened to be on Mother's Day this year.  I was treated like a queen all day by Mike, the kids and family!  Growing older has been pleasant so far with more gray hairs to turn blonde and a waist line to not get larger!  I am in good health and I'm very grateful for that blessing!

Here's my adorable niece that celebrates a birthday with me!!!!  Happy Birthday, Skyler!!!!

Family blessed me with gifts, cards, jewelry and flowers.

We ate dinner at a Mexican restaurant and I ate some fried ice cream!

Fannie Lynn dropped off some Ballerina Farm Sour Dough Croissants that were totally amazing and a cold brew lemonade that I also love!!!!!  Just so thoughtful!

We grabbed a quick photo at church as we celebrated all the Mothers!

Mike and I dropped off some flowers for each of our mothers and the whole day was filled with extra hugs and love from the kids and hubby!!!!  I'm so blessed!  Happy Mother's Day to my mom and mother in law and to all the other momma's out there doing their best to raise a family for the Lord in this crazy world we live in!  Don't give up!  Stay positive!  Love more!  Say kind words and even when the patience gets thin, let the Holy Spirit rise up that fruit inside of you!  

Happy Mother's Day!