I grew up calling the day after Christmas, Second Christmas. After a full, fun day yesterday, the kids slept in once again. Austin asked Adrian to come over and they had a sleep over that night. They crack me up with these Grinch shirts. Austin wears his non stop!
Afternoon, we packed up and headed to the cabin! Spending the next few days is just what we hoped for!
We grabbed us some festive coffees and hit the highways!
We created gingerbread houses! The men filled the wood box!
Tyler made some homemade ice cream and the next night we used the rest of the mix! So yummy!
Lots of games get played at the cabin. Dice and Four up and four down were popular.
Mel took her paints along and we completed a puzzle.
Us ladies went to the mall as one does right after Christmas! Such a fun outing! And Austin captured this window photo of us playing dice.
These kids have so much fun together and they were riding the razor in the snow and the four wheeler in the mud.
We came back home ready to be home and put some dried up greens in the trash! Life is so fun!