It has been snowy and freezing cold outside all month! I'm happy to be inside and watch the birds!
January is when I always order from Chapbooks and order my blog book. All the posts I submit to Instagram and to my blog, get created into books and put on the shelf for memories sake! It's the best way for me to keep up with any kind of scrapbooking and I love it!!!!!
I'm trying to read more and so that means I actually have to read more! It's not complicated at all! I told myself that if I read at least one chapter a day, that would be amazing at the amount of books I will read in one year! I'm not good at reading commitments but I'm reading a book on habits so I think that should help with my goal!!!!!
Austin did a bottle buddy on Kobe Bryant and did a great job with his project! I also love the Valentine craft he made that's hanging in his classroom!
Mike gave me a certificate to get a massage last summer and I finally went and relaxed and wondered why I would ever wait so long to use this!!!!!
I also helped Hadassah with one of her cleanings while she's on vacation and ended up getting stuck in the snow and needing help to get pulled out. I'm ready for clean, dry roads!
We celebrated the twins and Olivia the other night! Megan and Melanie are now both 16 and driving with permits and that's crazy! I remember so well when they were born! Happy birthday, girls!
Austin is in the middle of basketball season and doing well!
Attending a women's seminar about mentorship is not something I thought I would ever do. Hearing other peoples problems weigh me down and I want to fix things for them. So to counsel or mentor is not heavy on my heart but there's much to learn with this topic and I can be a helping hand to others around me when I have the opportunity! It was great to have Ruth Ann Miller be our speaker! There's much to learn and ponder on!
I could only attend in the morning before it was time to go pick Ashlyn up in York. She went to watch Megan bible quiz and because Mike never watched this before, I decided to ride along and be amazed at this talent and skill of learning! Quizzers memorize scripture and then are quizzed on the verses. It's really incredible!!!!! The river was full of ice as we crossed it! Good job Megan!!!!!
Then, from there we went to a fundraiser for the 8th grade class! They are going on a missions trip soon and they still need $7,000. They prayed. Each student made a dessert to sell. Everyone was to bring an item to sell at the auction. They raised over $11,000!!!!! God sure blessed this night and it blessing this trip!
Our weekend seemed full with just Saturday events but we went to church and then to Nobles bowling event. We came home ready to relax and watch the Eagles game and then the Chiefs. Why do these game have to be so close?
Chiefs won!!!! Eagles won. They will now meet up at Super Bowl!
We are finally back at walking at the park! The path is still mostly snow covered but the snow was bright and it was lovely to get here again! With the tempts being only single digits the past weeks, we haven't been walking in that kind of weather. Today, it's sunny and winter is looking pretty here!
January is going fast! I'm glad because it seems to be the longest winter month for me!
I reminded myself and the kiddos this morning that in about eight weeks we will be thinking about putting seeds in the garden! Crazy! I'm ready!!!!!