Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day's of SUMMER!

The first day of summer arrived last week and we are feeling the affects!  The weather has been warm but lovely!  The flowers are in full bloom!  The sugar peas got ripped out and string beans are now planted in their place.  We have a sunflower that opened and that makes me smile.  We are enjoying the pools and watermelon!!!  Summer is such a happy, fun time for us!

I got to go on a little "getaway from home" the beginning of this week.  Going to the beach with some church ladies is always a highlight and we always have a great time!  The motel we stay at is super nice.  We even got escorted out to the beach on a golf cart!!!  The serve a warm continental breakfast and warm cookies in the lobby in the eve!  We love staying there!  This year the motel had a new patio set which included a propane fire pit that we sat around both nights we were there!  The days were sunny and perfect for the beach!  We ate the best foods!  We dug our toes into the sand.  I touched the ocean water.  We saw dolphins out in the deep ocean.  Watching the sunset along the bay was beautiful!  The whole trip was a luxury for sure!!!  Thanks to all the ladies that always make this such a fun trip!

Now it's back to reality and house work!  The laundry is almost finished.  The bags are unpacked.  The kids and hubby are reunited with me!  (Which by the way, thanks to sister Jody and Mindy for babysitting!  Mike did a lot too while I was out!  He took Matthew to his little league game, dropped the kids off where they needed to go, he even took Ginger to Sadie's and back home!  Thanks Hun!)  The berry's were picked again.  My thirsty flowers got watered!!!  It's good to be back home!

Cousin Anne invited us to her pool the other day and we loved it!  Sierra and Ashlyn kept saying "how they never get to play together ... or how they should go to each other's houses more often"!  They sure enjoyed swimming and playing together a few hours!

We made another stop at the library and that means it will be more reading for the kids and some quit time here at home!

Enjoy the warm summer days because some how the month of June is going by so fast!

We love summer!