Monday, December 16, 2019

Christmas with the Dienners!!!!

My parents hosted the 2019 Dienner Family Christmas Dinner this year and it was such a fun time to see cousins and Aunts and Uncles!!!  Mommy D. is so special to me and I love that she loves her grandchildren and great grandchildren so well!!!!!  Every year she gives every single person a gift.  This year the married grandladies received a new outdoor hand clippers.  The men got a roll of baloney.  The children all got a $5 bill and a pack of candy!!!  The whole Christmas party was fun!  So much food and snacks and wonderful fellowship!!!

This is Mommy D..  She's sweet and I love her so much!!!

These two looked so cute in their navy shirts and Christmas clothes!!!

These two are only a few months apart and they have been friends ever since they can remember!  They are in the same class at school and love to be together!

This man of mine is silly!  He really doesn't love baloney near this much but was happy to receive a gift!  And for some reason all my photos of Matthew lately are blurry.

Here is my mom!  She's the best host ever and serves up the most amount of food anyone could ever eat!  Her table is always full of buttery yumminess and we love to go to her house!!!!  Dad and Mom live in a cozy farm house and if anyone ever goes there to visit, they eat well!!!!

Thank you Mom and Dad for hosting us all yesterday in your barn/rec room!!!!

Merry Christmas to the Dienner family!!!!!