Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Week 6 of "stay at home".

You would think that I would have extra time on my hands because of this "stay at home" orders but I've been so busy.  There are the same home chores that I do every day.  I now help Ashlyn with school work every morning.  We are making new foods and having kitchen lessons.  Hadassah is doing a good job at baking and creating foods she never made before.  We hunkered down A LOT the weeks before Easter.  We are still at home so much but we are really getting ready to have things move forward now.  School has already canceled the rest of the year and we will need to finish up all school work at home.  I'm sad about that.  I used to look at my calendar every morning to see what was on our schedule.  Now my calendar stays closed in my drawer because there's nothing planned for the near future other than the normal home activities.  I have come to enjoy these days and all the many nights at home!  Last night I mentioned that normally we would quickly do dishes and head out the door for ball practice or baseball games.  Our children grew up spending lots of spring and summer nights at the ballpark.  We loved it!  Mike has not played baseball full time for a few years now but Matthew now plays.  So far, he's got his head into the golf game and no baseball practice has begun.  I do feel like our "stay at home" routine is getting better and better.  We know now how school works best.  We have to do it in the morning hours or it's a real struggle.  The kids get to sleep in and my mornings are lazy ... not complaining about that!!!!!!  It's still lunch time before I know what happened but that too is OK.  Days are flying right by.

Sister Jody and her girls made these donuts the other week and delivered them to my family!  What a fun idea!!!  Thanks Jody!

Ashlyn loves her twin cousins and they have FaceTime often the past few weeks.  I think it's adorable!

Hadassah made homemade tortillas!  They were tasty!

We had such a lovely March!  The weather was nice and sunny!  These two are having a blast and like to dress alike if they can.

I'm not sure what these spring flowers are called but we have them growing along the side of our road.  Mike and I have went on a Sunday afternoon walk every Sunday since COVID-19 all began (except the cabin weekend)!  Every time we stop on the way back to the house to pick some of these flowers.  So pretty!

 The farmer has a small spot on his farm that have dead animal bones.  The kids took the four-wheeler and brought some bones back home and wanted to sharpen them and make swords.  The fun only lasted for awhile before they took the bones back where they were found.  The next day Austin asked his cow tooth was!?!  What???  Since when do we have cow teeth in our pockets.  It was found in the dryer!  :////

Look at the size of these bones!

I like rainbows and it was another promise from God that he's got the whole world in his hands!!!!  We sing that song to our little children and I believe it!

Ashlyn is still doing ZOOM meetings with her class every Tuesday.  I made a batch of homemade waffles and we topped them with whipped cream and fruit while she chatted to her classmates!

 I am so ready to get to greenhouses!  I sat down and made my 2020 garden plans!  I took the opportunity to make a greenhouse stop when I needed to get out of the house and think something else.  We had just got the news that school is closed now for the rest of the year and I needed to take a drive and process that thought.  I decided to drive to Ken's Garden and grab a few seeds and plants!

We love Fennel but never planted these plants before.  I'm giving it a try!!!!

I planted the garden a few weeks ago with Ashlyn and Austin's help and look at it now!

The seeds we planted are popping through the ground!  We've got Radishes, Black Simpson Cut Lettuce, Kale, Spinach, and Butter crunch Lettuce in this bed.

This is my herb box.  So far I planted Cilantro, Parsley and Sage in here.  I have other herbs that come up each year on their own.  These plants are Chives, Oregeno, Rosemary and Thyme.  I have Basil seeds to plant yet in here when frost is no longer a threat.

It's nice to see the farmer raking hay right beside us again.

The kids were begging to go on a picnic, so we did!  :)  It's simple things like this that are making an intentional move with!  It was nice to pack a simple lunch and enjoy the orchard trees all around us!

 So much time is spent on the four wheeler these days!

They love it outside together!

I jumped on board with this easy coffee recipe!  Dalgona Coffee is where you whip 1 TB. instant coffee, hot water and sugar together!  Keep whipping until it turns into this beautiful foam!  Pour milk and ice into a cup and add the foam!  We like it sweetened with caramel too!  It's delicious and so easy to make!

Ashlyn is a great teacher!  She's trying to teach Austin how to ride a bike without training wheels!

He actually learned pretty fast but I'm sure he will need some practice again once summer and bike riding become a daily activity!

Since six weeks ago, the kids and I have stayed home as much as possible!  I'm trying to stay far and wide from any coronavirus germs!  The other day I did decide to go get some take out drinks and drop them off for birthday treats.  I grabbed a small piece of coffee cake for Mommy D and dropped that off to!  She was working on her puzzle!  I love puzzles too and she said I should come back to her house that evening and help her work on it.  I did!!!!  Mike stayed home with the kids and Mommy D and I sat together and worked on this tough puzzle!

It was so much fun!!!!!

The next day she called and said that we should all come down to her house this time and she would order pizza for us and then we could finish the puzzle!  We said yes again and it was a blast!!!!  I feel bad for these elderly!  They are told to not leave their homes.  They need company and people and friends too!  I try to call Mommy D often to check up on her and talk but there's nothing like a nice visit!

This was a fun night and I'll never forget this night together!  I didn't leave her house until 10:26 PM!

I am so sad to see the world be plagued by this virus and so many people are dying from it!  I also know we can't live in fear and I'm reminded so much over this time that God is still working through all of this!  Stay positive friends!  I hope this pandemic will be over soon and stores will reopen and things will get back to 'normal'.  Until then, call your elderly!  Maybe even give them a visit!  Love on your children that are now home 24/7!  Bless those who are still fighting for health and remember to pray for the doctors, nurses, and ambulance folks!

Blessings to you!!!!