Tuesday, May 10, 2022

May is here!!!!!


My favorite month is here!!!!  May is packed full of fun events!  It's time to start eating those fresh fruits and veggies from the garden!  The kids are busy finishing up school with field trips, track and field day, awards, graduation and those end of school events!  We have a wedding on Saturday to attend and I can't wait for it!  

Found me some asparagus and rhubarb!

Oh you know ... gotta keep watering those tender plants so they grow!!!!  She's the best!

Mixed up the first batch of rhubarb crisp and took it along to my parents for a mulching night!

I'm convinced the last minute plans always work the best!  LaVern texted asking if it suits to go mulch at my parents and it suited everyone!  That same night!  He ordered pizza and we added dessert, watermelon, meadow tea and veggies!

What a stud ... my husband was a great help!  One way to keep Zane safe and out of the skid loaders way was to back him.  Brother John helped this way.

We ended the night with s'mores!

I asked dad if we could tour his property next door.  They bought the property and are fixing it up.  We grabbed some fresh lilacs too!!!!

I love this man!!!!  Even though we are in the oldest clothes we own, I love this photo!!!!!!

Mom's flower beds look great now and I have a beautiful bouquet of lilacs in my kitchen!