Saturday, June 8, 2024

Garden and blooms!

 I took a walk around the hose and gardena and I'm always amazed at how the good Lord blesses us with garden foods and blooms!  I planted this dusty miller two years ago and I loved the white, silver color and decided to not pull it out and let it die in the frost in fall.  Well, it never died!  I didn't know it would last but it came back again and again and it's still pretty!

Right now we have lettuce and celery in this garden bed.  My sister gave me a pack of cut and grow again lettuce and every time I plant this, it's nice but just not a favorite.  I would much rather have buttercrunch.  My lettuce wasn't the best ever this year but still tasty.  I think the few hot days in May made the lettuce grow tall and not tender.  I hope to plant again in the fall and have tender, sweet buttercrunch lettuce!!!!

The front porch planters are thriving!

Roses and poppies are filling the air!

Also, cabbage and broccoli!  The peas are being picked and eaten right in the garden!

The herb box always gets full and overflowing!  Honeysuckle is on the back side of the shed.  Magnolia blooms are on the front tree!

I still dream of big, juicy strawberries growing in my garden but we still enjoy the small berries and eat them often for breakfast!

We are so blessed!