Thursday, March 30, 2017

Ashlyn turns 6!!!

I remember so well the day Ashlyn was born!!!  We had been waiting and praying for another baby and thought for a few years that maybe we would just have two children!!!  When God blessed us with another healthy little girl, our hearts were full and so grateful!!!
Ashlyn brought spice and determination into our family.  She wanted things on her own timing.  She wanted her little world to revolve around her and be in control.  This brought lots of stressful moments in the toddler years but she is growing into such a sweet lady!!!  We could not imagine life without her!!!
She has been counting down the days till her birthday for long now.  She woke up this morning right before Matthew was off to school and he was just as excited as she was to give her her present from him.  Matthew ordered this online and shipped to our house a few days ago.  He was so happy with his choice and couldn't wait to see Ashlyn's face when she saw it!!!  He bought her a big pack of Shopkins!  Ashlyn loves these right now!  She was thrilled!!!

Then she opened the gift from Mike and I.  I got her some random items that she needed.  More PJ's, rain boots, gardening gloves, Paw Patrol movie and clothes.

Then her cousin Shakia called to say happy birthday!  So cute!

For breakfast, Ashlyn picked hot chocolate and toast.  Austin is just starting to dip his own toast.  It makes a mess but he loves it!!!

 She's so proud to now use two hands to show her age!!!

And look who else showed up today!!!  Hunter and Adrian stopped in and stayed awhile.  These four have a blast and Ashlyn shared her Shopkins tattoos with them.

Way too much to handle!!!  :)))

People say these two look alike.  I think that myself the older Austin gets.

And again, they are around the dinner table together.

Ashlyn had people calling today and stopping by to say happy birthday!  But her favorite part was choosing where to eat dinner.  This has been a family tradition for years now and we were all happy when she picked DJ's Dinner again!!!

Now that's a cherry coke!!!  And a big burger.  Matthew said that he doesn't even need a menu.  He gets the same burger here every time we go and loves it.  I say every time that "the next time we come here, I'm buying a burger like that".  You have to be pretty hungry to eat the whole burger but Matthew absolutely loves it!!!

Mike told Ashlyn the other night that she can pick out a candy for her birthday at DJ's.  This was her pick.  Sigh!!!!  I hate sticky candy like this but it was her choice.  She took a few bites and ended up leaving the rest on the table for the waitress to throw away.  She didn't like it after all!!!  Thank goodness!!!!!

Ashlyn's meal came in a cute car.  She loves this place!

We usually end with The Bomb.  It's ice cream on top of a brownie.  It got devoured.

Austin enjoyed his ice cream sandwich.

Ashlyn did too.

Ashlyn had a fun day!!!  Thank you to everyone that made her day special!
"We love you, Sweets!!!"