Friday, April 6, 2018

Waiting for Spring.

So far our Spring weather has felt more like winter weather!!!  It's been cold, snowy, rainy and not that enticing to start any work outside.  Except that last Thursday, I was going as fast as I could all day long.  I began with the normal and cleaned the house.  Bethany still comes every Thursday and this has been SUCH a blessing!!!  We clean the house together and even though I get distracted now and then by Austin, she can keep cleaning!!!  It's so awesome to have her help me and have the house cleaned by noon!!!  The sun came out in the afternoon and the kids only had a half day of school because of teachers in service.  I got them to help me with some outside clean up.  Matthew washed off the Yukon.  The garages and driveway got blown out real good.  There were so many little pebbles and winter dirt in the garage.  It happens when the vehicles are snow covered and then pulled inside, all the dirt and grim melts to the floor.  The porches got cleaned off.  When Ashlyn and I planted some pansies the other week, we had some dirt fall from the pots but we were out of mixed gas that the blower wouldn't start.  So, the porches needed a good blowing off too!!!  Hadassah and Matthew raked out the flower beds.  Things were looking spruced up and better!!!  But, since last Thursday, we had more snow and more winter tempts.  Matthew's first baseball practice had to be canceled because of rain showers but he is hoping to be in his ball suit and new spikes here soon!!!

I begged Mike to get on the tractor last night and dump some more top soil on the raised beds out back because one of these days, yes, one of these days, Spring will warm up and the garden seeds will get planted!!!  I wanted the gardens to get topped with more dirt because they have settled over the past two years.  Mike was not thrilled about the idea and he's so much like his dad when it comes to gardening!  :)))  He wants to wait to work outside until it's warm and "balmy".  I reminded him that when it's warm and nice outside, that's when we should be cutting lettuce to eat, not just getting it planted!  :)  He grinned and off he went to do the chore.

Austin and Matthew were both sick and on the couches all day on Wednesday.  Matthew did go to school yesterday and is feeling better but Austin is still trying to get well!!!  It's been two rough days around here with Austin not well.  So much Motrin, water bottles refilled, feet being treated, Epsom salt baths with oils and most of all he just wanted me to sit right beside him the whole time.  So, when Mike said that he would use the tractor to get me some dirt for the gardens, Austin was all in!!!  This perked him up right on the spot!!!  He enjoyed the rides and has been feeling much better ever since!!!  Thank you Jesus!!!

Pit stop!  :)))  Ashlyn was out riding around too!!!


The weather forecast for today is saying sunshine this afternoon.  I am really wanting to go buy my garden seeds and maybe get them planted later today.?.

And with this being now April, here come the rain showers.

 These little riding toys have been so entertaining!!!  Austin loves his hunting jeep and uses it every single day!!!  This day, him and Ashlyn were cruising around the house with umbrellas and rain boots!

 I am noticing the tree buds!  The knock out roses need trimmed back because they have new life starting to bud.  The grass is getting clumpy and I'm so out there mowing when the weather clears up and gets warmer!!!  I know, I'm starting to sound like a recording about the weather.  But, I'm not complaining.  I still have some spring cleaning going on and my scrap booking is being worked on!!!  These chilly days are keeping me inside but at least I'm slowly working on some indoor projects!!!

And speaking of indoor projects, Mike is still working in the basement.  When we remodeled our home two years ago, we added some new basement!  He is working on getting it finishing it off and then we can enjoy a nicer basement and hopefully some better organized rooms!  It does need some new furniture and fixings but that will come in time.  For now, it's still nailing boards on the ceiling, sanding down boards for some walls, then adding some tin on the bottom half and then dry walling the other walls.  It still looks like a total mess down there but Mike's been faithful at working on it every night we are at home!!!  Thanks Babe!!!  It's gonna look so nice after you have it all finished and completed!!!

This is Friday and that means another weekend in front of us!!!  I'm excited to have some quality time with Mike and the kids!!!  Have a great weekend!!!