Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Finishing up summer vacation of 2018.

These five, brown chickens are such an entertainment for this girl!!!!  She LOVES to check on the chickens and hunts for their eggs a couple times a day!  But, she is still a bit scared to go out to the hen house alone because the five chickens we bought and are raising, are all aggressive when you open the door.  There is one chicken in particular though that always comes strutting right up to the door and is bold.  That scares Ashlyn.  So, if you look closely, she's got a hot dog stick in her hand to keep the chickens back and away from her as she looks for eggs! 
Yesterday, I went with her out to hunt the eggs.  There were two chickens sitting and when the one got up, it plopped out an egg!!!  We laughed and she wanted to go get it right away but it was still wet and so she waited until later.

I find her and Austin out here a lot during the day.  She pulls grass and throws it into the chickens run and they gobble it up!  Again, got to have that hot dog roaster stick in her hand … just in case she might need it!  :)

The darkest hen is hers!  She named it Hazel.


Thanks to these five chickens, we've finally started collecting eggs!!!  Our fridge in now stocked every day with a few eggs and it makes breakfast such a delight!


We are finishing up our summer vacation for this summer of 2018 because school starts tomorrow.  I've been asking lots of moms if they are ready for the new school term and some say "yes" and others like me are saying, "I'll be ready the day it comes."  Our summer mornings have mostly been lazy and I love that!  Sleeping in and then getting right to our house chores before heading out the door for the pool or other summer activities have got us spoiled!!! 

The children however, do get ready to start school again.  There just comes a time to get their heads back into their school studies and have a more decent bed time and routine!  I'm always ready to get our daily schedules going again but adjusting to having three out of four children in school with be … well, an adjustment.  I remember I used to be so ready for this because then the house would stay cleaner, more organized and not so many dishes all over the kitchen sink but somehow that's changing for me.  Don't get me wrong, I still love a clean house and an organized kitchen but as they get older, the more I realize that they are doing just that, getting older! 

Some days I feel like the younger stages are leaving our home faster than ever.  Hadassah will be going for her drivers license the end of this month.  She just got back from the youth group missions trip to Alabama and had a really awesome time!!! 

Matthew has grown in leaps and bounds and last night I slapped him on the leg and told him that the pants I just bought for him for school would better fit him for awhile!!!  :)  He purchased a set of brain puzzles (those metal gadgets that you need to get the ring out of) from Amazon and he had us all trying to figure some out in the living room last night.  He's enjoying his golf lessons the past few weeks and hopes to continue that this fall.

Ashlyn is ready for school to begin and I've said so many times this summer, "She my worst mess maker but my best cleaner upper!"  I will not miss the quick messes this girl makes around the house but that's a sign of creativity and imagination.  Austin is going to miss this girl so much and that's another reason why I'm just not ready for school to start yet.  Because then there goes my babysitters!!!

Matthew and Ashlyn can entertain and play with Austin so much!  He loves to play catch or jump on the trampoline or play outside with them!!!  Austin is going to have the most adjustment with school beginning and I'm cringing inside to see how it's all going to go.  Maybe, hopefully, he will surprise me and play nicely with his toys! 

I was wishing to get to the pool one last time with the children today but the weather is saying thunderstorms again.  That means we will be playing indoors and enjoying this one last day together before they head back to the classrooms!


Matthew had an orientation at school this afternoon and after seeing all our school family and friends, plus visiting the new upper school classrooms, that has diffidently sparked some excitement about starting school tomorrow!!!

It's now 8:45 PM and the kids are tucked into bed!!!  It's raining cats and dogs outside again and sounds like a tropical storm out there.  This weather and kids in bed early feels like the seasons are even changing.  Ashlyn is back in her bed all in giggles and excitement!!!  I have a feeling it's going to take her a little while to finally fall asleep.  She so excited about school tomorrow that she said she could scream!  :)))
Good bye summer vacation of 2018!!!  We enjoyed your short stay.  But even though school will begin tomorrow we welcome your warmness and sunshine for a long time yet!!!