Wednesday, August 29, 2018

It's hot outside!!!

Wowers!!!  We are back to scorching hot summer weather!  Today is fore casted to be in the upper 90's and feeling like over 100 degrees!!!  I would love to go to the pool again but Hadassah's got her drivers license appointment today, so we will be off to hopefully coming home with another driver in the house!!!

School has been going really well!!!  Getting up earlier in the morning forces us to go to bed earlier at night!  It's not all bad!  :)))  Ashlyn is the one that's the laziest and hardest to get up and moving but once she is finally out of bed, it's all good!  I drove along with the children this morning with Hadassah in the drivers seat!  She is doing great with driving and was practicing that parallel parking last night again!  This may the last morning that I will need to drive along to school because if she passes, she will be our new "bus/sibling school driver"!  This is going to be great!!!


After school, these two get right to playing!  They took their butterfly nets outside the other afternoon and chased butterflies!!!

Ashlyn's zinnias are thriving!!!  They loved all that rain we were getting a few weeks back!

And look what I spied while mowing around this in the yard!!!  We will be watching to see if a butterfly comes out of this!!!

And I also noticed this while mowing.  We have a small sink hole in the side yard!  I hope it doesn't get any bigger and Mike's got to get some dirt and fill it up!

And here's what I do with the flowers the children cut for me!!!

Ashlyn was invited on Friday night to go with Sierra to Chuckie Cheeses!!!  She's begged and begged to go to this place but we did this type of birthday party for Hadassah years ago and Mike said "never again!!!"  He hated it!!!  But, it is a fun place for the children!  Thank you Sierra for inviting Ashlyn!!!  She had a great time!  She earned enough of tokens to get a prize lollie pop!

Ashlyn asked her dad to pull out her front tooth last Sunday.  Now the other is getting looser and will be falling out soon too!

We are in peach season and it's a fruit we've been eating daily!!!  Peaches are so delicious fresh, warm and even in desserts!!!

Yesterday, I got two baskets of Loring Peaches and canned them!!!  Hadassah loves to use peaches in her daily smoothies, so we will see how long these last in the cellar!


Like I already mentioned, the weather is hot outside!!!  Austin and I did get to the pool on Monday and Lena met us there with her boys!  We spent the whole afternoon in the sun and water!  I picked up Ashlyn at school and brought her to the pool to!  She loved that surprise!  Matthew had after school golf practice and Hadassah was at volleyball practice.  We all seem to have places to go and appointments to meet but spending some time in the warm sun was high on my agenda because I just know that one of these weeks we will be moving into Fall and the pools will be closed! 

After golf food with his dad!!!

There are some pony's at the neighbors farm that Ashlyn is wishing we would buy and build a barn and then let them live at our house!  But, until her dreams come true, we are feeding them apples and carrots every now and then.  Last night, was magical as they feed the pony's!!!

We are looking forwards to a long weekend at home for Labor Day!!!  With extra days of no school and more days of sleeping in … we are going to treasure our family time and adventures together!!!