Monday, February 24, 2020

Vacation - Part 2

Food happens to be a big part of vacation! 

Mike and I went to Tommy Bahamas for a date night and we loved the food, especially the pineapple cream brûlée dessert!!!

Hadassah loves acie bowls!

The day Jeremiah arrived, Mike and Matthew were golfing and so the little ones and Hadassah went with me to Ledo beach! It was so relaxing watching the little ones play in the ocean! I was clocking away with my camera as they played and had no idea these memories were being captured on camera!!!!

We left the beach at 2:40 to pick up Jeremiah at the airport!

We went to a Tiki restaurant for supper that night with Matt and Lena and their boys! The sunset was beautiful and we then met Mike and Matthew at the house later.

We all went for ice cream at the ice cream shop down the street!!!

This was such a good day!!!