Tuesday, March 3, 2020

March is here!

Can I hear an Amen that the winter months are winding down and Spring is right around the corner!!!??!!!!  Even though we had a mild winter here in my neighborhood and I do always say that if it's gonna be cold, it may as well snow, we have enjoyed the mild weather!!!!  The past few months have been mostly in the 30s - 50 degrees!  Normally, we have below freezing often.

March is a tricky month for my spring fevered soul!!!  In my head and on my calendar I see the word SPRING but my surroundings often still tell me it's the end of winter.  The grass is turning colors and getting more green!  The early spring flowers are starting to poke through the ground!!!  I love tulips and grabbed a handful the other day when Mom and I went to Produce Junction!!!!

The other day it was a spring like day and the birds were singing and I was babysitting some of my nieces and nephews.  Biscotti's were on my mind, so I mixed up a batch and now we have a fresh batch of Cranberry Orange Biscotti's to dip into our morning coffee.

 Austin loves his friends and cousins!!!!

 We are still in the thick of sports!!!!  Basketball season is coming to a close but the school Varsity Team made it to States!!!!!  These games are wild and crazy and we cheer from the sidelines and hope for those three pointers and layups!!!!!  Matthew played on the Warriors JV team but they are finished now with their regular season!  He is now on the roster for the Warrior Varsity Team and is planning on playing in a big States game coming up this weekend!  The other disappointment is that the main team, all the Seniors in high school, left for their senior trip.  The is a huge hole and mostly the entire team that worked so hard to get to this point with be out of town.  The basketball teams were fully aware of this before the season even began and now that they did make it to States level, its a disappointment.  But we move forward!!!!  Matthew is honored and excited but also terrified what they are now up against.  This opposing team is good and well experienced players with many wins under their belts.  However, I told Matthew to focus on what they do have instead of what they are missing.  Cheers to the upcoming team!!!!  The last home game Matthew got to be on the court for the last few seconds of the game!

These are the boys that will be playing in the States game!!!

We are so proud of this basketball team!!!!  They did really play so well!!!!!

And then we go to volleyball!!!  Hadassah is playing for PAElite again this year and is loving it!!!!  She's been in a few tournaments since the new year but I've not been to any of them until this past weekend!  I was excited to see her play and get to see the 2020 team!!!!

She's got some good hits and what a fun time for her and Jess to play together another year!!!!

Hadassah could only help out on Saturday because she left the next day for her Senior Trip.  This team did win the Silver Bracket on Sunday!!!!!!  We are blessed to have so many wins happening in our kids sporting events!!!!!

Like I mentioned earlier, Mom and I went to Exton the other day and we stopped at Produce Junction!  I absolutely love this place and almost get butterflies upon arrival!!!!  :)))  They have the best fruits and vegetables for the best prices!!!!  I also snagged my first snake plant and another fiddle leaf for only $10 and $12!!!!  The prices are so reasonable!!!!
We love fennel and they have it bagged up in twos for only $3!  I also bought some Florida grapefruits, celery, sugar peas, plums, grapes, apples and fresh mint leaves!!!!  Mint leaves are so tasty just floating in my daily glasses of water!  We love that!!!

Friday night, the kids and I snuggled on the couch and watched the Lion King!  It was good and we really liked it!  We got to FaceTime Mike as we watched some of it and we can't wait for him to come back home!!!

On Saturday, on my way to Hadassah's volleyball tournament, I decided to swing by a greenhouse and just take a look.  I love greenhouses and even though I'm not ready to buy flowers just yet, I love to look and smell the greenhouses!!!!

This greenhouse in York had lots of succulents!  I did buy a few more for the house and added for the first time some air plants to my open shelves in the kitchen!

 At lunch time on Saturday, Hadassah's team had a break from 12 -1:00 and so I scooted over to a Central Market not far from the Expo Center where Hadassah was playing volleyball.  I love markets and had fun walking through it and eating a crepe!

After the volleyball tournament was over for the day, I headed back home to the little kids and Matthew!  I'm so spoiled to have Matthew be home and care the little ones while I go out and about!!!!  I love this stage in life!!!

We were all looking forward to Saturday night because that meant Mike comes back home!!!!!  Mike was out of town all week on his annual golf trip in Arizona.  We missed him like crazy and couldn't wait till he comes back home!!!!  The kids wanted to go along to the airport that night.  We grabbed some boneless chicken  wings on our way to the airport and of course, we had a movie entertaining the little ones on the way there!  Mike had a good flight and met us on the curb right outside the airport!  What a blessing to have him back home with us!!!!!

Sunday we decided to go to Keystone for the early service because we wanted to be back in time to take Hadassah to school.  The senior class all met there before heading off to Africa on their senior trip!  We are going to miss her like crazy around home but what an incredible opportunity for these teenagers!!!!  We would appreciate your prayers for each one of these kids because some have never been on an airplane or out of the country or to such a far away land!!!  They will be stretched spiritually and even though they will be in a safe place, they will be witnessing to orphans and foreigners!  I asked Hadassah on the way to school that morning if she was scared or frightened or anxious or excited!  She said, "Excited!!!!"  With our family trip to Belize last winter, helped give her a chance to see another country and experience plane rides.

Some of the dads help weigh the suitcases!!!  Mike and Vic had fun helping out!!!!

And as we prayed a prayer to send this class off, I was excited for them!!!!  Some shed tears.  Some were not sure how this was all going to be but Hadassah was ready and excited!!!!!


On a totally different note, we still have the same five hens that we got two years ago!  They bless us with daily eggs and the little ones like to collect the eggs for Matthew now and then!!!!

With it now being March, the winter décor is switched to Spring things!!!!  I can't wait to plant some pansies and work outside!!!!

Spring come quickly!!!!  We are ready for you!!!!!!