Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Happy Birthday America!!!!

Celebrating our freedom seemed extra special this year of 2020!!!  God has blessed our nation so much but so much is happening to threaten our freedom!  Because of COVID-19, we still have freedoms but it sure feels like the enemy is trying hard to put fear into our hearts and take our nations foundation down to nothing.  Freedom is not to be taken lightly and I appreciate the things our forefathers have done for us today!!!

Allen and Janelle had us over for supper and fireworks!!!!  The friends, food and fireworks were all great!!!!

 "Free to be AWESOME!"

Mike and Allen bought some fireworks and they were actually really good!  So many displays got canceled because of COVID-19 and that's sad to me!  I love fireworks!  This was special to still be able to see some!

 Happy Fourth of July friends!!!!