Wednesday, December 22, 2021

A December Weekend!


Things are looking like Christmas everywhere you go!  Lights are at many homes!  The malls are busy with last minute shoppers.  Cafe's are serving up all things peppermint and gingerbread!  The smells, the noise and the Christmas music are just wonderful!  I love it!

On Saturday Mike and I went to Cabelas to grab a few gifts for the bigger kids in our family!  It was just him and I and we love outings like this together!  We drove from the shopping spree back to pick up the littles at Tony's but they had a fit when we said we were going straight to Matthew's basketball game in Harrisburg.  They don't always love going to these games and Jody said they could stay at their house!  Boy, were they excited!  Thanks Jody!  Mike and I cheered for Matt's team as they won yet another game!  We are so proud of the how these boys play all out and with such determination!  This team is very intense and so fun to watch!  Then we grabbed a bite to eat with some basketball family friends before picking the littles up!

We stopped to watch these lights on the way home.  We opened up the roof window and watched the singing lights!

On Sunday we had a Christmas service with a short play done by the children!  So sweet and who is that adorable wiseman I see!!!!!

And this is us!  Merry Christmas!

Then .... we went straight to my parents house for my family gathering!  We gathered with gifts, hungry bellies and a bunch of excited kids!

Mom and Dad hosted the family in their rec room and we enjoyed the best foods and gifts!

My parents gave the children rollerblades for Christmas and it was a hit!!!!  They were rolling all around the rest of the day!

Some other gifts that were given ...

We ended the day with playing Four Up and Four Down!  This family is so special to us and we them all!!!  Many thanks to Mom and Dad for hosting us!!!!!

Merry Christmas Riehls!