Monday, January 2, 2023

Happy New Year!!!!

After all the Christmas events, we took a trip to the cabin!  This has become one of our all time favorite places to be!!!!  Some of my family joined us!

Met the first snowmen for this winter!  The kids "made" Warren, Mommy and Daudy!

What a blast!

Mike used Dad's tractor to cut more trees down on our property and started with making a driveway entrance.

The kids got pulled behind the golf cart on sleds!

The puzzle we bought in Missouri, I took along to do at the cabin.  I wasn't sure if we would complete it but we had is done in a few hours!  Such a fun one!!!!

We packed our bags and headed back home on Saturday afternoon.  Jr and Ruthie invited us to their house to cheer in the New Year!!!! We celebrated with JR and John and Martha Rose by playing Dutch Blitz!  The night was fun! 

I didn't take much time to think about any New Year Resolutions or Goals until Sunday afternoon.  We slept in Sunday morning, went to church, grabbed some pizza for lunch and came home to relax and watch the Chiefs win football!

I have read through the Bible a few times in the past years and love to read it in chronological order.  This time, I am chasing to read it with this plan!!!

The Bible Recap has the scripture reading and then some notes shared after the reading.  I'm excited to do this plan!

Matthew came home safe and sound from Florida!  He's got a tan and sat down at the dining room table to work on his Lego car!  I love this teenager!!!!!

Always good reminders!

Today, I cleaned up the house by throwing out the dried up Christmas greens.  The vacuum still doesn't work correctly but I still got things swept.  I took down the Christmas lights from outside and put them back in storage.  How can Christmas already be over?  We still have the tree in the living room because it's still soft and looking great!!!!

Taking down the Christmas decor and putting up some winter decor feels like a good way to start the new year!  This is also the last day of Christmas vacation and I'm ready to have the kids back in school.  Time off was wonderful and fun but now that the events are over, it's time to get back in school!

I sat down yesterday afternoon and starting jotting things down.  I like to have some goals but they stay pretty simple over the years.  If I feel like I can't attain them, I don't write them down.  Also, I just jotted down some places that would be so fun to visit.  Will we get to these this year?  Maybe some.  Maybe all of them!!!  We shall see!

A new year is always a fresh new start to a new calendar!  I've already got lots of things written down in it and we are excited to see what 2023 will hold!  God is so good!  

Cheers to a new year!  Let's go 2023!!!!