Friday, January 20, 2023

Mild January. Basketball. Senior Night.

 So far our January weather has been on the mild side.  I've blown out the garage a few times and even doing a little work outside is not bad!  I mean, what's there really to do outside in the middle of January other than burn a few boxes with the Christmas tree and pick up some branches!?!  It's been the best kind of weather for my morning walks!!!  I am really loving how walking with a friend is the best kind of accountability I will even have!!!!  I love it!

I don't buy many books but when I saw this one, I bought it and decided to go through it in January!  Sometimes the winter months can get my mind thinking negative and dwell on the bleak and cold of winter.  This will add some defense on those thoughts!

The kitchen is smelling so good after gingerbread biscottis are baked!  And these Irish Potatoes are a new favorite!

You know it's January if we are busy attending all of the basketball games at Linville!!!!  Matthew is having a good season and even though his knee was hurting, he wears a brace now and it's much better!
Plus, many have been praying for his knee and that it will be healed!

And then we go to Austin's games!!!!  It was picture day and another fun win!

There are the cutest cheer leaders at his games!!!!  :)

They scheme, they plan and they pass to each other!  It's the cutest thing!  They play so well together!

And the moments that you do find us at home, it looks like this.  We moved the ottoman out of the living room just to open things up and what do you know, the spike ball game takes it's place.

At the near end of each game, coach pulls out the starters and puts in the bench team players.  I love to watch the starters cheer on the younger guys!!!!

I will miss seeing this!  Tim and Matthew are such good team players!

More cute cheerleaders!  Austin gets tired of all the games but he liked watching from above here!

Senior Night was last night!  The girls cheered their hearts out for the guys!  So fun!!!!

Such a wonderful group of Seniors!!!!!

My favorite Senior!!!!

We are so proud of how these boys have grown, played so well together for years now and I'm holding back all the emotions knowing that this season in life is coming to end soon.

More cute cheerleaders!!!!!

Honoring Matthew and he gave me a rose and Mike a signed basketball from the team!

What a fun, fun night!  We left winners again!

Today is another mild winter day.  In the 40's.  I keep hearing of snow in the future forecast and I'm ready for it!  I think that would be fun!  I'm loving my Fashion Cents mug!  You know I love seasonal things and this is perfect with Valentines Day coming up!!!

I've been decluttering this week at home and this room is a storage area and it just needed a clean up!  I clean spaces and wipe out drawers is such a good feeling to me!

Have a great weekend friends!