Wednesday, February 15, 2023

February fun!

 We've been crazy busy this month!  The weather has been so mild and fantastic for anything outdoors!  The bluebirds are loving the worms and bird seed that Mike has been faithfully putting out!

We've been super busy going to all Matt's basketball games but we wouldn't want it any other way!  If he's playing, we are there!  Mike has been to almost every practice too because he loves this group of boys so much!!!!

Well, the Chiefs made it to the Super Bowl and I decided to wear my hat every day and have some fun!  We are surrounded by Eagle fans and it's been very interesting to see who says what!  An older man at the park made a comment about my hat and to get ready to lose.  I've gotten lots of questioning eyes from people at the basketball games or someone else said, "Well, you are the smartest person here tonight!"  Butch, the older man that keeps score for the Warriors, gave me a napkin to use on Sunday after the Chiefs lose.  I told him that I am saving it to give back to him on Monday night at the basketball game because he is going to be the one using it!  It's all in good fun and I got so many laughs just by wearing the cap!

The sun has been shining extra much this month with the weather being so mild!  I love how it shines through the front doors!

Winter skies!

I told myself to visit a greenhouse once a week throughout the winter and look what I found!  There are lots of pansies in full bloom waiting for Spring to arrive!  And the shadows from the morning sun are pretty!

With Valentines Day just around the corner, it was fun making these for fellowship meal at church!

And I love some good mail!!!!!


Austin was home from school last Monday and Tuesday because of a cold.  He spent a lot of time looking through his baseball cards.  

Winter sunrises!!!!

And while he was home, we worked on his Valentine cards for his classmates!  Arthubforkids has some cool crafts to do!

I was really ready for a new scented candle!  Roses and Bergamot is perfect for February!

Main Street Exchange had a Galentine Event and we called up Jody and told her to meet us there for some goodies and shopping!

This weather is making it perfect for our morning walks!  Walking around park without jackets in February is not normal!

Mom had a double knee replacement last week!  She's brave!  She's doing super and we are spending extra time now at the farmhouse caring for her!  We hope to have a fast recovery!

One basketball game to the next these days!  Austin is loving this season too especially with Adrian on his team!!!!

He's the love of my life!!!!  We posed in front of these LOVE letters twice now and I love it!

Matthew and his coach Schatzmann ... Schatzmann came to Linville to coach the high school boys basketball team four years ago!  They didn't know each other back then but since, they have become such a good team!  Matthew wants nothing else than to please his coach!!!!  This man has taught Matthew so much about the game of basketball and even life lessons.  Matthew listens intently!  He practices hard and sweats so much just to make coach smile!  This Versity team has become very special to our family and it's like family to Matthew!  Schatzmann has brought so much life, hard work and wins for basketball because of his coaching skills to our school and we are so proud of him and this team!  Thank YOU so MUCH!!!!  

Tim and Matt ... they play this game side by side and I love watching them!

This is the last of the season scheduled games.  We are off to playoffs!

I wonder what in the world he is going to do after he graduates and doesn't have these young men side by side each day????  Matthew is excited to graduate and work for Mike and all the big boy things but wow ... we will miss these people!

Giving all the best advice!!!!

After the marriage retreat on Saturday, we went straight to pick up my Dad's sprinter van and head to Matthew's last game of the schedule season.  We still have playoffs and Districts and hopefully States to watch yet!  We were tired but excited to drive one and half hours for this game.  It was more fun to travel with Matt and Lena and their kiddoes!  Everyone cheered for the Warriors!!!

Chickfila for the win for a quick supper!

Take a deep breath .... we got home late Saturday night but it was a win for the Warriors so that was so exciting!  We went to church and had some fun by setting red plates out for the Chiefs at the coffee and donut table!  :). There's a lot of Eagle fans at church and we had to show off our favorite team too!

Naps .... we took naps before game time!  Much needed!  Matt and Lena came over to help us cheer for the Chiefs too!!!!  And THEY WON!!!!  It was a close game.  We were nervous and excited!  What a blast to watch them win it all!!!!  We love you Kansas City Chiefs!!!!!!

And this weather in February is crazy?????!!!!!  We had one day after the next with lots of sunshine and in the 50s and even some 60 degree days!  I'm tempted to think it's spring but it's not.  It feels like it but we've had too many cold March and Aprils that it's hard to believe it's here to stay!  I hope it is!!!!  As Linda and I circle the park path each morning, the robins were flying around.  Crazy and fun!

Looking ahead, we have a full week!  The Warriors made it to Quarterfinals and they won on Monday night!  Let's go boys!!!!  Semifinals is next!

Life is moving too fast!  Enjoy the warmer weather in February!