Monday, July 8, 2024

July is here!

 How in the world is July here already?  We are already out of school for a whole month and the summer is flying by fast!  July is here and the summer heat is here too!  It's dry and hot outside.  The grass is crunchy and the garden needs watered every single day!  July is the month of more birthday celebrations and fireworks shooting into the night sky!  It's the month for cucumbers out of the garden and many BLT sandwiches are made!  Staying hydrated with lots of water is a must!  Sitting pool side will help beat the heat!

July 1 .... we celebrate Austin!  He turned 9 years old and has the best life!  He loves baseball and keeps us on our toes with his energy and love for the game!  Mike and Matthew do a great job with throwing catch with him in the back yard and Ashlyn plays this sport with him too!  There are many, many nights with baseball flying through the backyard air!  Austin loves waffle sandwiches for breakfast!  I start with a warm slice of a homemade waffles, Nutella, whipped cream, strawberries and top it with another waffle slice on top.  His best friends in the whole wide world are his cousins!!!!!  We celebrated Austin's birthday with a date with his dad and buying a very cool birthday gift!

We've said no to gaming games in the house for many years.  It's something we turned down when Matthew was a kid.  It's also something we found ourselves talking to our older kids about because when they start to ask or make comments like, "This isn't fair.  We were never allowed to have that or that!!!!"  Mike and I try to stay consistent with our two oldest and now our two youngest.  Times are different from 15 years ago.  We had a heart to heart talk with our older kids about this decision and they gave us a green light!  This gaming thing is not encouraging more screen time but actually encouraging time together with siblings and friends playing fun games!  So far it's been a very fun event for the two boys!!!!!

Austin is blessed to have a dad that loves him VERY much!!!!  Mike decided to take Austin for his gift this time because he knew buying this together would make a very fun memory!  Matthew bought Austin a new catchers kit and another gaming game.  He got other gifts and is so happy on this special day!

Every birthday, the kids get to pick where they want to have dinner.  Austin and Mike decided on PF Chang!  It's a family favorite!!!!!

We made a stop at Target and Dicks on the way home and then everyone joined in on the gaming fun!

"Happy birthday to you ....."

This was a fun day for this kid and we loved loving him on his special day!