Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Days in September!

 We are having the best weather so far in September!!!!  This is exactly why it's one of my favorite months of the year because in the morning, there's a chill in the air when I walk at the park and send the kids off to school but in the afternoon its warm and sunny and the skies are so blue!!!!!  Evenings we sit beside the campfire outback and watch the Phillies and Chiefs win!  Just love it!!!!

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Wiffleball at the Damien Foundation Tournament .... it was the cutest thing ever when Adrian called and asked Austin to be on his wiffleball team for this fundraiser event!  We knew Damien personally and watching cancer take away his joy in life and the hardship it brought to his family, it was so hard to watch.  Damien passed away from a brain tumor but his legacy lives on!  John and Suz started the Damien Foundation to help other families that are going through a cancer journey!  Good job friends!

Adrian invited cousins and friends on his team and the boys were all looking so forwards to this day!  The cousin boys have played game after game in the back yards of our homes all summer long and it was gonna be a good completion to watch them play against other boys their ages.

They played well but lost in the semifinals.  They walked off the field in tears but finished the day in good spirits.  Good job "Curveball Kings!"

Matthew was also playing on a team with his old school friends.  Sadly I didn't get a photo of the boys but he had a blast.

When Mike arrived at the park with Austin, his intentions were to help coach the boys and watch Austin play his games.  Jeremiah came up to Mike and said that they needed a sub for his cousins team and asked if he would help play.  Mike jumped right in played game after game.  He had the time of his life with these Petersheim boys!  They won the whole tournament in his age bracket!

He's the best and I was sure he would be sore after playing all day wiffleball but he loved it!

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Austin had the best time to playing with his favorite athletes!  Everyone left there that night tired, played out and just loved the entire day!  Thank you Damien Foundation for a fun, great day!!!!

Ashlyn claims my phone as her own at times but when I find her photo's on my phone I just smile and I really love it!!!!  Look what she captured the other night!  Love this!

Fourth grade and going really well for Austin!  We are off to a great start and he had fun building this high tower of wood blocks in school.  Good job Dude!

I made a quick visit with Mommy D the other week and found her tired and sleeping.  I couldn't wake her up but I have a watch that is her's I want to give to her!  You never know how you will find her when you visit.  Some days she is awake and talkative and other days she is too tired to stay awake.  Love you Mommy D!!!!!

We are off to lot's of volleyball games with Ashlyn!

Coffee shops are great to visit but I do enjoy making my own coffee right at home but, but I can't resist a good pumpkin flavored drink from Latte Luv in September!  So yummy!

So far I made two batches of pumpkin cream cheese cupcakes!

Another photo from Ashlyn!

Mike was invited for a day of golf in Pittsburg and he asked if I want to go along!  I said YES, of course!  Usually golf is not something I get invited to but I sure was thrilled to go along and I had no idea we were going to a play like this!!!!!  Oh my word!  It was absolutely gorgeous once we finally got there!  I put in the GPS our destination and when we pulled into a red neck golf course, we looked at each other and laughed.  Then we realized we drove four hours to the wrong place but THANKFULLY the one we were supposed to go to was only 30 minutes away!  Why would someone have two different golf courses named the same?  Anyway, we were drove up to the Nemcolin Resort and realized we were staying in The Chateau, our mouths dropped open!!!!!  This was an invite from Tom Coleman and he sure knows a good stay when you see one!  Wowzers!!!!

We were escorted to our room with the butler bringing in our luggage.  It was high class and one of the nicest places we ever stayed at!!!!  What an honor!

We ate dinner at the resort with the others that were joining Mike in golf the next day.  Mike and Arie Weaver were there and it was nice to spend time with Arie as our husbands golfed.

There was this huge fresh flower arrangement right inside the Chateau doors.  Just gorgeous!

The view outside our room!

This resort has so many cute things to do and the ice cream shop was adorable!

Just beauty everywhere!

Arie made appointments at the spa but I really had no idea what I was going to do all day Monday while the guys golf.  I decided to get a manicure at spa and everything is pure luxury here!

We had a great time here and Mike golfed well and we ate well and just loved all the beauty!!!!  Thank you Tom for this high class getaway!  Now it's time to drive home to attend Ashlyn's ballgame tonight!

She does such a good job at first year of pitching!

The garden is so pretty right now!  We have spicy, fresh radishes and leafy green lettuce ready to devour!

Austin went with me to the grocery store and picked out this scrub daddy for me!  Too cute!

More photos from Ashlyn!

Running the sprinkler each night is keeping everything alive and thriving while we are so dry again.

Yes, we remember!  I will never forget this day!  So many have died because of evil actions.  We are so blessed to live in a land of the free.  We invited Dave and Lena over to watch the second presidential debate with Trump and Harris this time and it's sad to watch our government view things like abortion and border control so differently.  God please have mercy on us and may the right leader rise up!!!!

September is full of pumpkins and reds and oranges!  

Pumpkin Cold Brew is delicious!!!!!

Fresh lettuce from the garden!!!!!

More photos from Ashlyn!  The twins and Ashlyn just have the best time together!

Eighth grade is going well for Ashlyn and they are praying and asking God to lead them to the perfect place for their missions trip coming up.  I love how school encourages the kids to pray and listen for the voice of God to speak!!!!  Many have heard in their hearts of places they could go to!  We will continue to pray for God's leading and direction for this class to go and serve and bless others!

We have a few more ballgames to attend tonight and the warm apple candle is burning everyday in the kitchen!  September is lovely and I just love the chill in the air and warm sunshine in the afternoon!  Here's a quote I found and really love it!  So true!

Go forth in peace!  Be a light to our dark world today!!!!

Enjoy this autumn day!