Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wrapping up August memories.

I can hardly believe that we are wrapping up another month but here we are finishing up the last of our August memories!  I was reminded the other day while listening to WDAC of this verse and it remains one of my favorite Bible verses!!!!!  Jesus says to take heart because HE has overcome the world.  When I worry, or feel anxious, I need to remind myself of God's goodness and this promise!

Ashlyn's volleyball games have begun with a win and a blurry photo but it's proof I was there and cheering the team on!!!!

You better believe that I downed down my first pumpkin spice drink from Starbucks the other day!  I'm ready for fall flavors and this sure was a fun treat once again!

The middle school already had an over night at camp and had a great time!  This team of teachers and leaders mean so much to our school children!

We scooted to the cabin for Labor Day Weekend with some family and while we were there the calendar page flipped over to September.  The weekend was fun with cousins!  We had wonderful food once again! Mike and I took a drive out to the elk reserve to see what we could see and came back not seeing one elk.  Meanwhile, some others went for a drive to another location and saw some really big elk in the wild.  We used to always see the bear come to the back yard at the cabin but now we are seeing more and more elk around.

 Ashlyn and the twins always have the best time!

You know what????  We are making progress!!!!  Mike and I make a great team with many things but working in the kitchen together is something that usually turns into snares and not a fun time together.  He turns up the heat and the smoke rolls.  I flip out and watch the grease spritz everywhere and even though I have tried many times to "let him go", I seem to always meddle in and make him feel like he can't cook.  SO, we are trying!  The last time we were at the cabin, Warren asked for another dippy egg because his egg was not dippy.  😂 This time, Mike did much better and eggs turned out perfectly!  We are getting there!!!!  He needs some experience yet and I need to teach and not take over the grill.  We actually had a fun time making breakfast together!

This was another fun weekend at the cabin and now we are ready for September!