Monday, August 26, 2024

We are back to school.

 We are back to school and it's all going well!  The kids have been good with getting to bed a bit earlier so they have energy to rise and shine for a new school year!  Usually, I'm not ready for school to begin until that very day.  This year I was ready about a week ago.  The kids weren't really into swimming anymore.  The weather has cooled down quite a bit and the pool water is chilly.  When you know school is going to start soon, you just mentally prepare for it I guess.  

One big sad thing about school beginning though is that then it seems like summer is over.  The long warm nights on the back porch are mostly behind us.  Lazy summer mornings only happen on Saturdays now.  And you know what, that's OK!  I'm ready for it!  I hate to see summer come to a close but I do love fall and it's just around the corner!  It's dark by 8:00 PM, the mornings are cooler and the house is suddenly much quieter with the two youngest back in school.

I did decide to take them on their first morning.  It's fun to walk into school together and see the teachers and hear the buzz in the hallways.  Meeting Austin's teacher was great and that night he said to us as Mike and I were tucking into bed, "I think I'm going to like fourth grade!"  I smiled and agreed!  This was really a good feeling to hear him say this!  

Austin would still rather be at home throwing balls and goofing off than sitting in a desk and doing school work but he knows that learning is a must and I hope he will learn to read this year and I'm excited to see him thrive in school this year!

We dropped Ashlyn off at the front door of upper campus and she had butterflies in her stomach just because it's time to see her friends once again and start a new year!  I'm proud of her and she's already on the volleyball team and really does well with school!

He said I can walk with him into school but not to his locker!  🤣 OK, too cool for me at times but that's OK!

Ashlyn is in eighth grade this year and is excited about her friends, her teachers are more like friends in upper campus and she really likes that!  Sure, there's work to do and sometimes that's hard and requires a lot of studying but Ashlyn enjoys school!  Her best friends are there with her and it's going to be fun watching her thrive!

I can't believe they are growing up so fast!!!!!!

I found this on Pinterest and really liked it!  I printed it out and as we watch for the bus we always say a prayer over the student's, teachers and the school and then I read this!  I love the words to this and we are really blessed to be off to a good start of a new school year!