Friday, August 9, 2024


Here we are!  August is here!  This is the month of canning foods from the garden!  It's the last of summer vacations and lazy summer days.  It's trips to the pool and school shopping.  Before we know it, the school bells will be ringing.  I'm never ready for it, until it actually begins.  Then I'm reminded that I actually do like the routine of early mornings and not so late nights!  This has been such a fun summer with the kids being at home with me and I know I will miss them so much when school begins.  But, for now, we are still in summer mode and making the best of these summer days!

Mom and I each did a basket of Contender Peaches.  She canned hers and I froze mine.

These will be used in lunches!!!!

Our church had a campout weekend and even though we don't campout, we joined the fun by water slide and pool!  The meals were amazing and we really had a good time!

Steve cooked a whole pig and the meat was amazing!

 We had an employee picnic and we are so blessed to have a thriving business with great employees that work so hard to make it all a success!  Mike works hard and leads well with this group of wonderful people!  We enjoyed another hot a the park with good foods, jugglers entertaining us while it rained and the guys played baseball while the kids swam!  The day was full of great people that help make Lapp Structures be a success!  Thank you everyone!

Felicia spent a few days at our house while Linda worked this summer.  The kids had a blast!

Ashlyn and Zoey have been wanting to have a sleep over and then watch Inside Out 2.  We made it happen and even though they were both so tired by the movie time, it was a great watch and the girls had a blast!

We spend every single night at home in this space!  This outdoor living space has been so much fun for us!  We are watching many Phillies and Olympics in this space!

Ashlyn is playing well on her baseball team.  Her pitching is great!  She got slammed by the ball in the knee and that scared her a bit but she got right back in the game and ended strong.  They have yet to win a game but the team is having a fun time!

Summer blooms are so pretty!  The lime light hydrangeas are in full bloom right outside the kitchen window and even though my dahlias are only beginning to bloom, these are from a road side stand in town and so pretty!