Friday, August 9, 2024

July in action!

July is so dry here!  We need rain but I have the sprinkler going daily in the garden and it's thriving!  Right now we have green beans and tomatoes!  The cucumbers are almost over.  Jody helped herself to my huge red beets!  In the spring, I want to plant everything!  In the hot summer, when red beets and cabbage are ready to harvest, I always have plenty!  As we pick the ripe tomatoes from the garden, I wash them and pull off the green tops and put them in the freezer.  When I have enough to cook a batch of tomatoes, I will make juice from the tomatoes and use that for soups or salsa!

I always tell the kids that I'm not thinking about school until August.  But we did have a few days of clouds and we decided to head to Target and get their supplies!

I canned two batches of pickles with the cucumbers from the garden!  I used Mom Lapps recipe and that calls for peppers!  So delicious!

Wyatt gave Austin Legos for his birthday and the kids are all into Mango or Peach Refreshers that they make here at home.  They are doing Legos in the AC today.

The cactus is thriving in this heat!!!!

We are still taking our morning walks in the park when it suits.  This is good for me to get up and moving on these lazy summer days!

Photos I find on my phone!

Garden goodies!

I know, I know ... one day I'll smile at this sight.  Most days the living room feels more like a gymnasium!  My mom would have never allowed this and I wonder why or how this happened here?

I visited Mommy D. again and you just never know how she will look or how she will be when you visit.  This time she was awake and caring for this doll that she thinks is a real baby.  I love to visit her but it's sad to see her play doll.  

I planted these the last few years and it's so fun to watch grow but it's not so fun to pick these tiny tomatoes.  I think I need to retire growing this kind and try another kind that I actually can use.  Something like a Roma would be a better selection!

July is hot here.  It's so dry and I didn't mow the back yard for a month.  Around the house lawn only gets mowed to clean it up from odd stray weeds and grass that grows.  I'm ready to see some lush green grass once again!  

The garden is thriving but only because I've been faithfully watering it with the sprinkler!

We watched fireworks from the front porch numerous times by neighboring attractions blasting off fireworks in the night sky.  We laid on the trampoline and counted the stars.  We watched so many Phillies games on the back porch and Olympics are going strong!  The surrounding corn fields are so thirsty and not near as tall as normal summer crops.

Summer time is a hot one but we are blessed to live in a AC home and there's much to be thankful for!