Friday, August 9, 2024

Vacation at the cabin!

We planned a few days off of work and went to the cabin!  Matt and Lena joined us after market on Friday night and we stayed till Monday!  Mom and dad have the best cabin and it's so fun spending a few days there with this crew!  Jer's and Matts came up for the weekend also!  I just love spending weekends with our own grown kids!

We decided to drive out to the land that we purchased a few years ago.  It's perfect for Mike to take a drive over our land and tinker around.  So far, he made a driveway to the top of the field and we hope to some day have a small cabin or some sort of living quarters in the property.  For now, it's too fun at Mom and Dad's cabin and we still have enough of room for everyone when we all go!  We were on the fourwheelers and took a drive on the dirt, very dusty roads!  We saw some big bucks and here's an elk in a food plot we saw down the road!  

These boys could almost live in the same house!  They get along well and just love to be together!  It was so many rounds out the driveway on this little four wheeler and lot's of hunting attempts to shot a rabbit!

Matt and Lena made a trashcan supper and we ate on the front porch with our fingers!  The meal was a great way to enjoy corn on the cob, sausage, shrimp and much more!  We loved this meal!  Thanks Lena!

We love this youngest so much!  Zayla gets all the fun attention and it was lots of swing rides and games when she's around!

Arie got to come along and what a blast this dog had!  She ran so much chasing the boys on the four wheeler or going down to the river through the woods!  Arie is a great dog in wide open spaces like this!

Dad and my bothers are trying to make this spot along the river appealing to us moms and kids!  It really is so beautiful once you get there but let me tell you it's a ride and a half through the woods and mountain trail to get here!  We drove the four wheelers down the windy, bumpy trail and met the kayak crew by the water.  The big people took the kayaks down the river and fished as they floated to where we were swimming.  Matthew absolutely loves to do this at the cabin and the big kids have done this a number of times now.  Mike joined them and I hope to do this one day too!

It was a sight to behold when they tried to come back through the woods with all their kayaks.  Mike brought us ladies and two kayaks back with the side by side.  Then he went back down the mountain trail to get the boys and the rest of the kayaks.  I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them coming through the  woods!  There's no way that Matthew rode on top because the trail is very bumping and the trail is narrow but when they were almost back at the cabin, they had to make it look easy and Matthew jumped on top. 🤣

The river is swift but so pretty!

We couldn't wait to spot the kayaks coming our way!

Mike and I team really well in a lot of things but working in the kitchen well together is still a work in progress.  We both know it.  We both can feel the tension when we try to help each other.  We want to make this work and have it actually be a fun time to work together well in the kitchen.  Mike turns up the heat and fries everything fast.  Sometimes things get over cooked.  The dippy eggs are not so dippy!  I try to help but end up overpowering and take over.  I just had to take a look at him on the grill with the steam rising through the kitchen!  We laugh but it really is a work in progress!  We will get it and we learn to work together in the kitchen well!  Yes, yes we will!!!!

This was a fun cabin trip!  We make so many memories here!