Friday, August 9, 2024

Garden in August!

 It's been so dry and hot in July that most gardening is tough but we have a hydrant by the garden and with the sprinkler turned on almost every evening, things are thriving!  

Here are the string beans that are loaded with green beans!  

The next garden bed in cut flowers.  After the peas were finished, I grabbed a pack of cut flower seeds and they are growing well!

Succulents love hot weather!

Honeysuckle grows behind the barn and there's a hummingbird that is happily flying around the flowers!

We have lots of green beans, some cucumbers and nice big tomatoes.  The raspberries are hanging again with berries.  There are jalapeños, Hungarian wax peppers and sweet bell peppers ready to harvest!

The Red Haven peach tree is finished with fruit but now it time to pick Contender Peaches.  The kids were all here on Wednesday night for supper and we went out to pick the fruit and came in with 50 peaches!!!!! We played a hot game of Monopoly and its just the best when we all get together!

The kids are growing up!  To watch them in the garden is just as fun now as it was when they were little!  I love this hobby of gardening!